> Building busybox Step 1/2 : FROM busybox ---> 018c9d7b792b Step 2/2 :
> CMD ["/bin/bash" ---> Running in 244a6f28a9f7 Removing intermediate
> container 244a6f28a9f7 ---> e53f525981b4 Successfully built
> e53f525981b4 Successfully tagged
> jcrrepo.com/artifactory/testrepo/busybox:latest
> sudo docker-compose push busybox Pushing busybox
> (jcrrepo.com/artifactory/testrepo/busybox:latest)... The push refers
> to repository [jcrrepo.com/artifactory/testrepo/busybox] 514c3a3e64d4: Layer already exists [DEPRECATION NOTICE] registry v2 schema1 support will be removed in an upcoming release. Please contact admins of the jcrrepo.com registry NOW to avoid future disruption. More information at https://docs.docker.com/registry/spec/deprecated-schema-v1/
> ERROR: invalid checksum digest format
我尝试使用API v1和v2进行更新,但错误相同。我只安装并创建了一个testrepo来检出产品。