Grove I2C显示器无法在Raspberry Pi 3B上运行

时间:2020-08-01 10:55:42

标签: raspberry-pi raspberry-pi3 i2c

我只有我的RPi 3B和I²C显示器,我没有任何GrovePi帽子,我想在该显示器上显示一些文本。有办法使它起作用吗?

  • My display

  • i2cdetect -y 1显示此result,表示RPi正在检测I²C显示,它应该可以工作。但是,除了第一行的完整块之外,似乎什么都没有显示。

  • 我已经尝试了互联网上的所有内容,有些库可以正常工作(如无错误),但是显示仍然保持不变,第一行显示完整的块。

  • 我已经安装了python3,smbus,smbus2和i2c-tools。我已将地址更改为3e

  • 我最近的 *。py 文件。它确实写有“ LCD打印”,但没有其他作用。

  • 我找不到改变LCD对比度的方法(没有电位计或其他功能)


import smbus2 as smbus
import time

# Define some device parameters
I2C_ADDR = 0x3e     # I2C device address, if any error, change this address to 0x3f
LCD_WIDTH = 16      # Maximum characters per line

# Define some device constants
LCD_CHR = 1     # Mode - Sending data
LCD_CMD = 0     # Mode - Sending command

LCD_LINE_1 = 0x80   # LCD RAM address for the 1st line
LCD_LINE_2 = 0xC0   # LCD RAM address for the 2nd line
LCD_LINE_3 = 0x94   # LCD RAM address for the 3rd line
LCD_LINE_4 = 0xD4   # LCD RAM address for the 4th line

LCD_BACKLIGHT = 0x08  # On

ENABLE = 0b00000100     # Enable bit

# Timing constants
E_PULSE = 0.0005
E_DELAY = 0.0005

# Open I2C interface
# bus = smbus.SMBus(0)  # Rev 1 Pi uses 0
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)    # Rev 2 Pi uses 1

def lcd_init():
    # Initialise display
    lcd_byte(0x33, LCD_CMD)     # 110011 Initialise
    lcd_byte(0x32, LCD_CMD)     # 110010 Initialise
    lcd_byte(0x06, LCD_CMD)     # 000110 Cursor move direction
    lcd_byte(0x0C, LCD_CMD)     # 001100 Display On,Cursor Off, Blink Off
    lcd_byte(0x28, LCD_CMD)     # 101000 Data length, number of lines, font size
    lcd_byte(0x01, LCD_CMD)     # 000001 Clear display

def lcd_byte(bits, mode):
    # Send byte to data pins
    # bits = the data
    # mode = 1 for data
    #        0 for command

    bits_high = mode | (bits & 0xF0) | LCD_BACKLIGHT
    bits_low = mode | ((bits << 4) & 0xF0) | LCD_BACKLIGHT

    # High bits
    bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR, bits_high)

    # Low bits
    bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR, bits_low)

def lcd_toggle_enable(bits):
    # Toggle enable
    bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR, (bits | ENABLE))
    bus.write_byte(I2C_ADDR, (bits & ~ENABLE))

def lcd_string(message, line):
    # Send string to display
    message = message.ljust(LCD_WIDTH, " ")

    lcd_byte(line, LCD_CMD)

    for i in range(LCD_WIDTH):
        lcd_byte(ord(message[i]), LCD_CHR)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    while True:
        # Send some test
        lcd_string("Hello      ", LCD_LINE_1)
        lcd_string("      World", LCD_LINE_2)
        print('LCD printing!')

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