在我的Python Discord Bot中,@ client.command(或常用的是@ bot.command)不起作用

时间:2020-07-23 03:17:17

标签: python discord atom-editor

我一般对Python和Discord API还是陌生的。我将Atom用于脚本编辑器,它甚至注册了@ client.command的“ @client”部分。它曾经变成蓝色,但现在只有.command部分变成了蓝色。我可能会误会,但这是我的问题。


@client.command(aliases = ["8ball"])
async def _8ball(ctx, *, question):
    responses = ["It is certain.",
                "It is decidedly so.",
                "Without a doubt.",
                "Yes - definitely.",
                "You may rely on it.",
                "As I see it, yes.",
                "Most likely.",
                "Outlook good.",
                "Signs point to yes.",
                "Reply hazy, try again.",
                "Ask again later.",
                "Better not tell you now.",
                "Cannot predict now.",
                "Concentrate and ask again.",
                "Don't count on it.",
                "My reply is no.",
                "My sources say no.",
                "Outlook not so good.",
                "Very doubtful."]
    await ctx.send(f"Question: {question}\nAnswer: {random.choice(responses)}")

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