通过终端/ bash脚本将参数传递给applescript的问题

时间:2011-06-09 12:43:56

标签: shell parameters applescript vlc pid

我正在尝试通过bashscript和applescript控制多个VLC实例 - 我通过他们的pid访问它们。我在一个小的手动测试中工作,这很好用:

tell application "System Events"
set VLC_VGA to application processes whose unix id is 598
repeat with proc in VLC_VGA
    set the frontmost of proc to true
    keystroke "p" using {command down}
end repeat
end tell

我现在想要动态插入pid(598或者它可能是什么)。这是我到目前为止 - 但不会起作用:

property accumulator : ""

on run argv
set vlcPID to item 1 of argv
set accumulator to do shell script "echo 'echo test returns'" without altering line endings
set ln to do shell script "echo 'started VLC instance: " & vlcPID & "'" without altering line endings
set accumulator to accumulator & ln
return accumulator
end run

on startPlayingVLC(pid)
tell application "System Events"
    set ln2 to do shell script "echo 'starting VLC instance: " & pid & "'" without altering line endings
    set accumulator to accumulator & ln2
    set VLC_VGA to application processes whose unix id is pid
    set ln3 to do shell script "echo 'VLC_VGA process: " & VLC_VGA & "'" without altering line endings
    set accumulator to accumulator & ln3
    repeat with proc in VLC_VGA
        set the frontmost of proc to true
        keystroke "p" using {command down}
    end repeat
end tell
end startPlayingVLC


osascript /Users/devuser/Development/AppleScript/playVLCAppViaPID.scpt 598

这不再起作用了 - pid无法识别。 do shell脚本调用基于another question on do shell scripts in loops,可以正常工作。


 set VLC_VGA to application processes whose unix id is pid



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set VLC_VGA to application processes whose unix id is pid as integer