
时间:2020-07-13 22:30:19

标签: python arrays numpy callable

我正在编写python代码以创建适合圆的曲线并将其与原始数据一起绘制。我在这里遵循了以下示例: 但无法理解为什么我的代码中出现此错误,原因是该数组不可调用。这是什么意思?注释“ curvefit”之后的最后一个代码块是发生错误的地方。 错误如下:(这里的数组是calcCircleFunction()的结果)

runfile('/', wdir='C:/XYZsara/testing/testing stj file')
r= 5
[10.          9.53518102  7.69656593  8.85865225 11.77599647 14.26300842
 16.59986154 18.86270235 21.08280172 23.27574271 25.45026401 27.6116804
 29.76342361 31.90781435 34.04648108 36.18060165 38.31104984 40.43848797
 42.56342747 44.68626971]
Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "\", line 46, in <module>
    popt = curve_fit(circle, xTraj,yTraj)   #array of curve fit version of circles

  File "\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\optimize\", line 686, in curve_fit
    args, varargs, varkw, defaults = _getargspec(f)

  File "\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\_lib\", line 298, in getargspec_no_self
    sig = inspect.signature(func)

  File "\anaconda3\lib\", line 3083, in signature
    return Signature.from_callable(obj, follow_wrapped=follow_wrapped)

  File "\anaconda3\lib\", line 2833, in from_callable

  File "\anaconda3\lib\", line 2208, in _signature_from_callable
    raise TypeError('{!r} is not a callable object'.format(obj))

TypeError: array([10.        ,  9.53518102,  7.69656593,  8.85865225, 11.77599647,
       14.26300842, 16.59986154, 18.86270235, 21.08280172, 23.27574271,
       25.45026401, 27.6116804 , 29.76342361, 31.90781435, 34.04648108,
       36.18060165, 38.31104984, 40.43848797, 42.56342747, 44.68626971]) is not a callable object
from random import random
from scipy.optimize import fsolve, curve_fit
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

xi = 0
xf = 40
yi = 0
radius = 5
numPoints = 20
xdata = np.linspace(xi,xf,numPoints)

def calcCircleFunction(x):  #calculate the function of circle in 2D
    [a,b] = calcCenters(vars)
    circle = np.sqrt(abs((x-a)**2-radius**2)) + b
    return circle

def calcCenters(vars):
    a, b = fsolve(solve_ab, [1,1])
    return [a,b]

def solve_ab(vars):
    a,b = vars
    f1 = (xi-a)**2 + (yi-b)**2 - radius**2
    f2 = (xi-a)**2 + ((yi+2*radius)-b)**2 - radius**2
    f = [f1,f2]
    return f

circle = calcCircleFunction(xdata)

xTraj = np.linspace(xi,xf,numPoints)
yTraj = circle + 0.01*random()   #with noise
popt = curve_fit(circle, xTraj,yTraj)   #array of curve fit version of circles
plt.plot(xTraj, yTraj, 'b-')   #plots the originral trajecory
plt.plot(xdata, calcCircleFunction(xdata, *popt), 'r-')

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

%union { char token; OneHold one_hold; TwoHold two_hold; List* list; } %token <token> 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e' 'f' 'g' 'h' ... %% start : expr { print_list($1); putchar('\n'); free_list($1); } %type <list> expr; expr : list | lista { $$ = push_single($1.prev, $1.held); } | listab { $$ = push_seqab($1.prev, $1.held1, $1.held2); } %type <list> list; list : nota { $$ = push_single(NULL, $1); } | list ',' nota { $$ = push_single($1, $3); } | lista ',' notab { $$ = push_single(push_single($1.prev, $1.held), $3); } | listab ',' notac { $$ = push_single(push_seqab($1.prev, $1.held1, $1.held2), $3); } | listab ',' 'c' { $$ = push_seqabc($1.prev, $1.held1, $1.held2, $3); } %type <one_hold> lista; lista : 'a' { $$ = (OneHold){ .prev = NULL, .held = $1}; } | list ',' 'a' { $$ = (OneHold){ .prev = $1, .held = $3}; } | lista ',' 'a' { $$ = (OneHold){ .prev = push_single($1.prev, $1.held), .held = $3}; } | listab ',' 'a' { $$ = (OneHold){ .prev = push_seqab($1.prev, $1.held1, $1.held2), .held = $3}; } %type <two_hold> listab; listab : lista ',' 'b' { $$ = (TwoHold){ .prev = $1.prev, .held1 = $1.held, .held2 = $3}; } %type <token> letter nota notab notac; letter : 'd' | 'e' | 'f' | 'g' | 'h' ... nota : 'b' | 'c' | letter notab : 'c' | letter notac : 'b' | letter 的第一个参数需要一个函数,而不是数组或列表。