Ckeditor 4图像未显示在Laravel的刀片文件中

时间:2020-07-08 07:06:42

标签: laravel ckeditor4.x

我正在使用CKEditor4。已使用image2插件成功上传了该图像,并且该图像显示在CKEditor enter image description here内部,但是当我尝试显示在laravel刀片文件中时,该图像没有显示。它给出了一个错误,并且在数据库中,图像路径未替换为本地文件夹路径。


<div class="modal_text">



<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {

        //for multiple languages
        @foreach($result['languages'] as $languages)
        // Replace the <textarea id="editor1"> with a CKEditor
        // instance, using default configuration.

        CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor{{$languages->languages_id}}', {
        extraPlugins: 'image2,lineheight,uploadimage,filebrowser,blockpasteimagelink,font,richcombo',
        // note: basically, local image is handled by uploadimage, while web image is handled by blockpasteimagelink
        uploadUrl: '{!! route('ckeditor.imageUpload',['_token' => csrf_token()]) !!}',

        //bootstrap WYSIHTML5 - text editor



 public function ckeupload()
    $upload_dir = array(
        'img' => public_path().'/uploads/questions/',

    $imgset = array(
        // 'maxsize' => 2000,
        // 'maxwidth' => 900,
        // 'maxheight' => 800,
        'minwidth' => 10,
        'minheight' => 10,
        'type' => array('bmp', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'),

    // If 0, will OVERWRITE the existing file
    define('RENAME_F', 1);

    // init
    $re = array(
        'uploaded' => false,
        // 'post' => $P,
        // 'fileName' => 'test.jpg',
        // 'url'      => 'path/to/file.jpg',
        // 'error'    => array('message' => '' ),
    if (isset($_FILES['upload']) && strlen($_FILES['upload']['name']) > 1) {
        define('F_NAME', preg_replace('/\.(.+?)$/i', '', basename($_FILES['upload']['name'])));  //get filename without extension

        // get protocol and host name to send the absolute image path to CKEditor
        $site = 'http' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/';
        $sepext = explode('.', strtolower($_FILES['upload']['name']));
        $type = end($sepext);    // gets extension
        $upload_dir = in_array($type, $imgset['type']) ? $upload_dir['img'] : $upload_dir['audio'];
        //$upload_dir = trim($upload_dir, '/') . '/';

        //checkings for image or audio
        if (in_array($type, $imgset['type'])) {
            // list($width, $height) = getimagesize($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']);  // image width and height
            if (isset($width) && isset($height)) {
                if ($width > $imgset['maxwidth'] || $height > $imgset['maxheight']) $re .= '\\n Width x Height = ' . $width . ' x ' . $height . ' \\n The maximum Width x Height must be: ' . $imgset['maxwidth'] . ' x ' . $imgset['maxheight'];
                if ($width < $imgset['minwidth'] || $height < $imgset['minheight']) $re .= '\\n Width x Height = ' . $width . ' x ' . $height . '\\n The minimum Width x Height must be: ' . $imgset['minwidth'] . ' x ' . $imgset['minheight'];
                if ($_FILES['upload']['size'] > $imgset['maxsize'] * 1000) $re .= '\\n Maximum file size must be: ' . $imgset['maxsize'] . ' KB.';
        } else $re .= 'The file: ' . $_FILES['upload']['name'] . ' has not the allowed extension type.';

        //set filename; if file exists, and RENAME_F is 1, set "img_name_I"
        // $p = dir-path, $fn=filename to check, $ex=extension $i=index to rename
        function setFName($p, $fn, $ex, $i)
            if (RENAME_F == 1 && file_exists($p . $fn . $ex)) return setFName($p, F_NAME . '_' . ($i + 1), $ex, ($i + 1));
            else return $fn . $ex;

        $f_name = setFName($upload_dir, F_NAME, ".$type", 0);
        $uploadpath = $upload_dir . $f_name;  // full file path

        // If no errors, upload the image, else, output the errors
        if (true) {
            // print_r($_FILES);exit;
            if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'], $uploadpath)) {

                //$CKEditorFuncNum = getUrlParam['CKEditorFuncNum'];

                $url = url('/').'/uploads/questions/' . $f_name;
                $msg = F_NAME . '.' . $type . ' successfully uploaded: \\n- Size: ' . number_format($_FILES['upload']['size'] / 1024, 2, '.', '') . ' KB';
                //$re = in_array($type, $imgset['type']) ? "$CKEditorFuncNum, '$url', '$msg')"  //for img

                //    : 'var cke_ob = window.parent.CKEDITOR; for(var ckid in cke_ob.instances) { if(cke_ob.instances[ckid].focusManager.hasFocus) break;} cke_ob.instances[ckid].insertHtml(\'<audio src="'. $url .'" controls></audio>\', \'unfiltered_html\'); alert("'. $msg .'"); var dialog = cke_ob.dialog.getCurrent();  dialog.hide();';

                $re['uploaded'] = true;
                $re['url'] = $url;
                $re['fileName'] = $f_name;

                @header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
                $re = json_encode($re);
                echo $re;
            } else $re = 'alert("Unable to upload the file")';
        } else $re = 'alert("' . $re . '")';

    //@header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
    //echo '<script>'. $re .';</script>';


此方法给出响应 when I have uploaded image then I'm getting this response


enter image description here


url: "http://localhost/Haircastle/git/HairCastle/public/images/media/ckeditor/15256_10.jpg"



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