
时间:2020-06-24 21:13:54

标签: java swagger swagger-ui springfox

我添加了swagger和swagger-ui依赖项,还配置了swagger docket api bean。具有以下控制器配置。但是我看不到文档

http:// localhost:8080 / swagger-ui.html或http:// localhost:8080 // my / products / swagger-ui.html

@Api(value="My Rest Service")
public class MyRestController {

ProductService productService;

@ApiOperation(value = "Load the following file into the program", notes = "Multiple status values can be provided with comma seperated strings", response = Response.class, responseContainer = "List")
public ResponseEntity<Response> loadProducts(@RequestParam(name = "path", required = true) String path) {.....}

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