单元测试Azure Functions队列触发器

时间:2020-05-20 19:42:47

标签: java azure unit-testing azure-functions


    public void dequeue(
        @QueueTrigger(name="qmsg", queueName=QUEUE_NAME, connection=QUEUE_CONNECTION) String qmsg,  // this is the event message
        @BindingName("DequeueCount") int count,  // number of times this message has been popped off the stack.
        @BindingName("ExpirationTime") Date expireTime // time it will expire

        log.info("Queue Receive {} DequeueCount:{} Expires:{}", qmsg, count, expireTime);

        StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();

            EventGridEvent event = convertStringMsgToEventJSON(qmsg);
        catch(Exception ex)
            log.error("Error handling queue dequeue count: {}, expires: {}, qmessage", count, expireTime, qmsg, ex);
            // Throwing an exception will cause the queue to retry this message again.
            // as per host.json, every failed message is retried for maximum of 3 times with an interval of 3 minutes
            throw ex;
            log.info("time it took to handle queue message: {}", sw.toString());

有人可以为此队列触发天蓝色功能推荐标准的单元测试吗?例如,看起来Boierplate HttpTrigger测试只是传递了一个参数为“ name”和“ azure”且为空的请求,并调用assertEquals以使该请求的状态为200或{{ 1}}。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果Azure Functions在Java中支持DI,这会更简单,但是就目前情况而言,您可能要做的是将Function的主体提取到接受MyClass实例的单独方法中。然后,您可以测试该方法,而不是功能本身。在测试时,传递MyClass的模拟并断言handle()被调用,而在实际的Function中,只需使用MyClass.getInstance()对其进行调用。