如何使用Excel VBA将桌面照片发送到电报

时间:2020-05-20 02:31:37

标签: vba telegram

问候, 我需要使用示例或确切的代码来完成此操作,因为我迷路了,对发送邮件一无所知

Function VBA2Telegram(token As String, ChatID As String)
Dim msg1 As String, PostMsgStr As String, PhotoPath As String,sUrl As String
Dim oHttp As Object, sHTML As String, PostPhotoStr As String, strPostData As String

msg1 = "Hello there"
PhotoPath = "C:\1123.jpg"
PostMsgStr = "https://api.telegram.org/bot" & token & "/sendMessage?chat_id=" & ChatID & "&text=" & msg1
PostPhotoStr = "https://api.telegram.org/bot" & token & "/sendPhoto?chat_id=" & ChatID & "&photo=" & PhotoPath

Set oHttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

oHttp.Open "POST", PostMsgStr, False

'Here,, how to set the code to do the job of sending local photo to telegram!
oHttp.Open "POST", PostPhotoStr, False

sHTML = oHttp.ResponseText
Debug.Print sHTML

End Function

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您可以搜索如何在vba中使用multipart / form-data。 linkstack overflow answer也可能为您提供帮助。