Clicked to remove item with ID = 3 - removed item with ID = 3
Clicked to remove item with ID = 4 - removed item with ID = 5
Clicked to remove item with ID = 5 - removed item with ID = 6
Clicked to remove item with ID = 0 - removed item with ID = 0
Clicked to remove item with ID = 2 - removed item with ID = 4
Clicked to remove item with ID = 1 - removed item with ID = 2
Clicked to remove item with ID = 6 - removed item with ID = 1
所以它并没有真正遵循明显的模式(认为可能是id + 1之类的东西,但看起来好像不是)。另外,我第二次进行了与上述完全相同的测试,以查看它是否随机化,不是随机化,结果完全相同。
这是一些代码 HTML
<div class='app'>
<ul id='list'>
<div class="footer">
<i class="fas fa-plus-circle" aria-hidden="true" id='addButton'></i>
<input type="text" id='itemInput' placeholder="Add a to-do" />
<script src="./app.js"></script>
const list = document.getElementById("list");
const input = document.getElementById("itemInput");
let id;
//get the item from the local storage
let data = localStorage.getItem('TODO');
//check if data is not empty
if(data) {
LIST = JSON.parse(data)
id = LIST.length; // set the list id to the last in the array
loadList(LIST); // load all the items in the array to the UI
} else {
//if data is empty
LIST = [];
id = 0;
function loadList(array) {
array.forEach(item => {
addToDo(item.name, item.id, item.done, item.trash);
function addToDo(toDo, id, done, trash) {
// if trash is true do not execute the code below
if (trash) {return ;}
const DONE = done ? check : uncheck;
const LINE = done ? lineThrough : "";
const text =`
<li class="item">
<i class="far ${DONE}" id='${id}'></i>
<div class="description ${LINE} wrap">${toDo}</div>
<i class="fas fa-trash-alt" id='${id}'></i>
const position = "beforeend";
list.insertAdjacentHTML(position, text);
// remove to-do
function removeToDo(element, i) {
let newList = [...LIST]
i = newList.indexOf(newList[event.target.id]) //<-- i think that is the problem, the indexing is not working as it should, as a result app gets confused ?
//newList[event.target.id].trash = true;
newList.splice(i, 1);
LIST = newList;
return LIST;
// click listener for job complete and job delete
list.addEventListener('click', e => {
const element = e.target;
if(e.target.className == "fas fa-trash-alt" ){
}else if(e.target.className == "far fa-circle") {
}else if(e.target.className == "far fa-check-circle"){
//add a task with "enter" key
document.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => {
if(event.keyCode == 13){
const toDo = input.value;
if(toDo) {
addToDo(toDo, id, false, false);
name: toDo,
id: id,
done: false,
trash: false
localStorage.setItem('TODO', JSON.stringify(LIST));
input.value = '';
编辑: 以怪异模式删除的项目在LIST数组中,我单击的实际按钮也可以删除。我认为我的解释不够好
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我认为最好不要考虑用于删除项目的ID。 您也可以考虑该值。 代替splice(i,1),请尝试使用
newList = newList.filter(function( obj ) {
return obj.name !== element.previousElementSibling.innerHTML;
答案 1 :(得分:1)
数组的 id = LIST.length; // set the list id to the last in the array
)的数组的最后一个项目索引为length === 5