
时间:2020-05-11 19:02:18

标签: vue.js visual-studio-code vuejs2 eslint prettier


That is the non formated html.

<div class="a" :class="3" :data-option="2" :id="1" :title="'a'">Abcatece</div>

After run format getting that wrong formated Html Tags.

  <div class="a" :class="3" :data-option="2" :id="1" :title="'a'"

The formated html need to be in that way.

 <div class="a" :class="3" :data-option="2" :id="1" :title="'a'">
   Some text here

这是我的配置package.json和.prettierrc.js Package.json

      "name": "project-name",
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        "> 1%",
        "last 2 versions"


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  arrowParens: "always",
  endOfLine: "lf",
  htmlWhitespaceSensitivity: "strict"

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