我的解决方案可以处理所有情况,但是我不确定运行时和空间的复杂性。是O(2 ^ depth),因为它递归搜索分支,可能在每个调用中又产生2个运行? 我假设其空间复杂度为O(n),其中n =树中的节点?对于递归问题,我实在无法解决时空复杂性问题
class Solution:
def isCousins(self, root: TreeNode, x: int, y: int) -> bool:
def recurse(root, depth_dict, depth, parent):
if root:
if root.left or root.right:
parent = root.val
depth += 1
recurse(root.left, depth_dict, depth, parent)
recurse(root.right, depth_dict, depth, parent)
depth_dict = defaultdict(list) # first item = depth, 2nd item = parent
depth = 0
parent = None
recurse(root, depth_dict, depth, parent)
if depth_dict[x][0] == depth_dict[y][0] and depth_dict[x][1] != depth_dict[y][1]:
return True
return False
如果解决方案是O(2 ^ d),我尝试编写O(n)解决方案:
def isCousins(self, root: TreeNode, x: int, y: int) -> bool:
def recurse(root, node, parent, depth):
if root:
if root.val == node:
return depth, parent
depth += 1
return recurse(root.left, node, root.val, depth) or recurse(root.right, node, root.val, depth)
depth_x, parent_x = recurse(root,x,None,0)
depth_y, parent_y = recurse(root,y,None,0)
if depth_x == depth_y and parent_x != parent_y:
return True
return False
return recurse(root.left, node, root.val, depth) or recurse(root.right, node, root.val, depth)
recurse(root.left, node, root.val, depth)
recurse(root.right, node, root.val, depth)