// JENKINS grabs my pom.xml file and executes it
// pom.xml executes a bash script that runs the 2 commands below to build and run my docker container
// shell script code
docker build -t cypress:myApp . // COPIES APP INTO CONTAINER
docker run -i cypress:myApp // ENTRYPOINT calls a shell script which builds the app
// Inside the container the following commands are run
cd <path to app directory>
npm i
npm run build
npm run cypress
// If installing deps work and tests pass, i use volumes to get production assets out
// of my container and back on the host machine for my pox.xml to grab and deploy
Cypress github在这里有一个示例设置:https://github.com/cypress-io/cypress-example-kitchensink/blob/master/Jenkinsfile使用Jenkinsfile和parallel