我正在尝试在代码中实现一个事件,以便当变量ep大于1时ode解算器停止运行,但是我不确定如何执行此操作,因为scipy参考指南上没有太多文献。这是我当前的输出和代码Output from the code.
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy import integrate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 6
plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='both', tight=None)
#Define Parameters.
n = float(input('Enter the value of n: '))
H0 = (20.2,)
H_0 = 20.2
dH0 = 0.3
#Define the potential
def V_func(t, n):
return t**n
#Range of Phi.
t_span = np.linspace(start = (3*H_0**2 - 2*dH0**2)**(1/n) , stop = 0 , num = 800)
#Define H-J equation
def f(t, H, n):
dh = np.sqrt((3/2)*H**2 - (1/2)*V_func(t ,n))
return dh
#Find H for each value of phi by solving ODE.
def I_end(t, dh, n):
return dh
I_end.terminal = True
I_end.direction = -1
sol = integrate.solve_ivp(f, (((3*H_0**2 - 2*dH0**2)**(1/n)),0), H0, t_eval = t_span, method = 'Radau' , rtol = 1e-9, events = I_end, args = (n,),)
H1 = sol.y
t = sol.t
H = H1[0,:]
dH = np.sqrt((3/2)*H**2 - (1/2)*V_func(t ,n))
ep = 2*(dH/H)**2
#Plot epsilon
plt.plot(t, dH)
plt.title('$\epsilon$ Vs $\phi$ for n = ' +str(n))