I am trying to create a chat app with Gab tutorial as my base
1. Set mod_mam: [done]
default: always
2. Do npm install of mam plugin for strophe [done]
3. Include the following code in Gab.js:
Gab.connection.mam.query("abcd@ejabberd", {
"with": "pqrs@ejabberd",
onMessage: function(message) {
console.log("Message from ", $(message).find("forwarded message").attr("from"),
": ", $(message).find("forwarded message body").text());
return true;
onComplete: function(response) {
console.log("Got all the messages");
Above code is directly from mam plugin tutorial
我已经在on_message: function (message)
TypeError: Cannot read property 'query' of undefined (gab.js:116)