-(IBAction) loginButton:(id) sender
[currentTextField resignFirstResponder];
RequestPage *RequestPageview = [[RequestPage alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
[UIView beginAnimations:@"flipping view" context:nil];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1];
[UIView setAnimationCurve:UIViewAnimationCurveLinear];
[UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp
[UIView commitAnimations];
[self presentModalViewController:RequestPageview animated:YES];
//ß[self.view addSubview:RequestPageview.view];
//---when the keyboard appears---
-(void) keyboardDidShow:(NSNotification *) notification {
if (keyboardIsShown) return;
NSDictionary* info = [notification userInfo];
//---obtain the size of the keyboard---
NSValue *aValue =
[info objectForKey:UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey];
CGRect keyboardRect =
[self.view convertRect:[aValue CGRectValue] fromView:nil];
//---resize the scroll view (with keyboard)---
CGRect viewFrame = [scrollview frame];
NSLog(@"%f", viewFrame.size.height);
viewFrame.size.height -= keyboardRect.size.height;
scrollview.frame = viewFrame;
NSLog(@"%f", keyboardRect.size.height);
NSLog(@"%f", viewFrame.size.height);
//---scroll to the current text field---
CGRect textFieldRect = [currentTextField frame];
[scrollview scrollRectToVisible:textFieldRect animated:YES];
keyboardIsShown = YES;
NSLog(@"Login Keyboard appear");
//---when the keyboard disappears---
-(void) keyboardDidHide:(NSNotification *) notification {
NSDictionary* info = [notification userInfo];
//---obtain the size of the keyboard---
NSValue* aValue =
[info objectForKey:UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey];
CGRect keyboardRect =
[self.view convertRect:[aValue CGRectValue] fromView:nil];
//---resize the scroll view back to the original size
// (without keyboard)---
CGRect viewFrame = [scrollview frame];
viewFrame.size.height += keyboardRect.size.height;
scrollview.frame = viewFrame;
keyboardIsShown = NO;
NSLog(@"Login Keyboard disappear");
2011-05-27 16:57:20.628 LoginPage[322:207] Login view appear // loaded the app
2011-05-27 16:57:32.220 LoginPage[322:207] Login Keyboard appear // tap on textfield
2011-05-27 16:57:35.665 LoginPage[322:207] Request view appeared // navigate to second view with keyboard shown
2011-05-27 16:57:35.667 LoginPage[322:207] Login view disappear
2011-05-27 16:57:35.978 LoginPage[322:207] Request Keyboard disappear // weird? I should have hide the Login Keyboard instead
2011-05-27 16:57:39.738 LoginPage[322:207] Login view appear // navigate back
2011-05-27 16:57:39.740 LoginPage[322:207] Request view disappeared
答案 0 :(得分:1)
[self.view endEditing:YES];
享受!! ...
答案 1 :(得分:0)