
时间:2020-04-16 19:19:23

标签: typescript service-worker vue-cli

我有一个Vue-cli项目,并希望启用离线支持(pwa,渐进式Web应用程序功能)。因此,我为vue cli安装了PWA-Plugin。


pwa: {
    name: 'projectname',
    // configure the workbox plugin
    // workboxPluginMode: 'GenerateSW',
    workboxPluginMode: 'InjectManifest',
    workboxOptions: {
      // swSrc is required in InjectManifest mode.
      swSrc: 'src/service-worker.js',

现在,我想将以下其他事件注入到service-worker中(来自src / service-worker.js)

self.addEventListener('push', function (event) {
    console.log('[Service Worker] Push Received.');
    console.log(`[Service Worker] Push had this data: "${event.data.text()}"`);

self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {
    // event.respondWith(() => {
    //     fetch(event.request)
    // }
    // );


/* eslint-disable no-console */
import { register } from 'register-service-worker'
// if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
  register(`${process.env.BASE_URL}service-worker.js`, {
    ready () {
        'App is being served from cache by a service worker.\n'
    cached () {
      console.log('Content has been cached for offline use.')
    updated () {
      console.log('New content is available; please refresh.')
    offline () {
      console.log('No internet connection found. App is running in offline mode.')
    error (error) {
      console.error('Error during service worker registration:', error)
// }


/* eslint-disable-next-line no-redeclare */
/* global self */

// This service worker file is effectively a 'no-op' that will reset any
// previous service worker registered for the same host:port combination.

// It is read and returned by a dev server middleware that is only loaded
// during development.

// In the production build, this file is replaced with an actual service worker
// file that will precache your site's local assets.

self.addEventListener('install', () => self.skipWaiting())

self.addEventListener('activate', () => {
  self.clients.matchAll({ type: 'window' }).then(windowClients => {
    for (const windowClient of windowClients) {
      // Force open pages to refresh, so that they have a chance to load the
      // fresh navigation response from the local dev server.


self.addEventListener('install', () => self.skipWaiting())
self.addEventListener('activate', () => {
  self.clients.matchAll({ type: 'window' }).then(windowClients => {
    for (const windowClient of windowClients) {
      // Force open pages to refresh, so that they have a chance to load the
      // fresh navigation response from the local dev server.
self.addEventListener('push', function (event) {
    console.log('[Service Worker] Push Received.');
    console.log(`[Service Worker] Push had this data: "${event.data.text()}"`);
self.addEventListener('fetch', function (event) {


  • 使用src / service-worker。 ts 代替js文件无济于事。
  • 使用“ vue-cli-service服务-模式生产”也会返回错误的服务人员。
  • 当我将其他代码放在公用文件夹中并手动注册服务工作者时,我通过了“ push”测试,但是脱机缓存显然不起作用。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我要做的第一件事是将添加到 vem.config.js

  devServer: {    
    https: true,
  pwa: {
    // configure the workbox plugin
    workboxPluginMode: 'InjectManifest',
    workboxOptions: {
      swSrc: 'src/service-worker.js',
      swDest: 'service-worker.js',

此外,我没有设法运行没有证书错误并为生产环境提供服务的vue-cli服务(即使我通过生产模式进行构建,并且正确的服务工作者位于 / dist 文件夹)。

我当前的解决方法是使用.NetCore应用程序,将代码复制到 wwwroot ,然后使用IISExpress运行该解决方案。我使用npm run ship

"scripts": {
    "serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
    "build": "vue-cli-service build",
    "copydist": "xcopy .\\dist ..\\wwwroot\\ /s /y",
    "ship": "npm run build && npm run copydist",
    "test": "set NODE_ENV=production && npm run build && serve -s dist"


  • 如何为服务工作人员使用打字稿。
  • 如何通过有效的本地主机证书避免.NetCore解决方法。

答案 1 :(得分:0)



serve -s -l 8080 --ssl-cert localhost.pem --ssl-key localhost-key.pem dist