
时间:2020-04-14 13:15:05

标签: python class button tkinter





import os
    # for Python2
    from Tkinter import *   ## notice capitalized T in Tkinter
except ImportError:
    # for Python3
    from tkinter import *   ## notice lowercase 't' in tkinter here

class ChooseProjectInterface:
    def __init__(self, master):

        bgcol = "#28282e"
        txtcol = "#848484"
        htxtcol = "#ffffff"
        orangehcol = '#e64b3d'
        orangehcol1 = '#e56458'
        bgwincol = '#1f1f1f'

        window_height = 90
        window_width = 385

        # TK basic setup
        self.master = master
        self.master.title('Choose project')
        # self.tk_root.overrideredirect(1)

        # Set colors

        # Center tk_root Window
        self.master.resizable(False, False)  # This code helps to disable windows from resizing
        self.screen_width = self.master.winfo_screenwidth()
        self.screen_height = self.master.winfo_screenheight()
        self.x_cordinate = int((self.screen_width / 2) - (window_width / 2))
        self.y_cordinate = int((self.screen_height / 2) - (window_height / 2))
        self.master.geometry("{}x{}+{}+{}".format(window_width, window_height, self.x_cordinate, self.y_cordinate))

        projects_on_nas = []
        projects_on_nas_path = []
        search_path = r"/Volumes/Project_Server/Projects/"
        p = ''.join(["^",  # Start of string being matched
                     "[0-2]",  # First character a number 0 through 2 (less than 3)
                     "[6-9]",  # Second character a number 6 through 9 (single digit greater than 5)
                     # (lookahead) A 0 followed only by any number 0 through 9 **OR** A 1 followed only by any number 0 through 2
                     # (lookbehind) Match 1-9 if the preceding character was a 0, match 0-2 if the preceding was a 1
                     "_",  # Next char is a "_"
                     "[A-Z]",  # Next char (only) is an upper A through Z
                     ".*$"  # Match anything until end of string

        # Check if NAS path exists

        if os.path.exists(search_path) is True:
            # Search and store projectnames on NAS in projects_on_nas
            for root, dirs, files in self.walklevel(search_path, level=1):
                for projectname in dirs:
                    if re.match(p, projectname):

            # temp_proj_dict = [projectname: root for name, path in projects_on_nas, projects_on_nas_path]
            self.temp_proj_dict = dict(zip(projects_on_nas, projects_on_nas_path))

            # Reverse list descending
            # Print found projects on NAS

            # Drop-down Menu Edit Stage
            self.selected = StringVar()
            self.selected.set('Choose Project')  # (stages[3])

            self.dpd0 = OptionMenu(self.master, self.selected, *projects_on_nas)  # highlightcolor=htxtcol , bg=bgcol, fg=txtcol
            self.dpd0.config(bg=bgcol, activebackground=bgcol, fg=txtcol, highlightcolor=htxtcol, activeforeground=htxtcol)
            self.dpd0["menu"].configure(bg=bgcol, activebackground=bgcol, fg=txtcol, activeforeground=htxtcol)
            self.dpd0.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=10, pady=10)  # sticky=W

            print("Server was not found, please choose another directory")

            # Insert Custom Project
            self.selected = StringVar()
            self.custom_Project_btn = Entry(self.master, textvar=self.selected, bg=bgwincol, fg=txtcol)
            self.custom_Project_btn.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=10, pady=10, ipadx=120)
            self.custom_Project_btn.insert(0, "Insert Project Name (Sample: (1911)_(CocaCola)_(XMasNow)")
            # new_notes = cusnotes.get()

        # Create Timeline Button
        self.cproj_btn_frame = Frame(self.master, background=orangehcol, bo=1, relief="flat")
        self.cproj_btn = Button(self.cproj_btn_frame, text="Choose project", command=self.get_project_infos, bg=bgcol, fg=txtcol, activebackground=bgcol, activeforeground=htxtcol, bd=0)
        self.cproj_btn_frame.grid(row=3, column=2)
        self.cproj_btn.grid(row=3, column=2, padx=1, pady=1, ipadx=30)
        # # Custom Project Name Button
        # self.cprojn_btn_frame = Frame(tk_root, background=orangehcol, bo=1, relief="flat")
        # self.cprojn_btn = Button(cprojn_btn_frame, text="Use custom project name", command=create_cus_allin_timeline, bg=bgcol, fg=txtcol, activebackground=bgcol, activeforeground=htxtcol, bd=0)
        # self.cprojn_btn_frame.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=10, pady=10)
        # self.cprojn_btn.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=1, pady=1, ipadx=30)

    def walklevel(self, some_dir, level=1):
        """Define a function to limit search dir depth called walklevel"""
        some_dir = some_dir.rstrip(os.path.sep)
        assert os.path.isdir(some_dir)
        num_sep = some_dir.count(os.path.sep)
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(some_dir):
            yield root, dirs, files
            num_sep_this = root.count(os.path.sep)
            if num_sep + level <= num_sep_this:
                del dirs[:]

    def get_project_infos(self):
        proj_name_input = self.selected.get()
        proj_name_path = self.temp_proj_dict[proj_name_input]
        proj_info = proj_name_input, proj_name_path
        print('Choosen project is: {} Path:{}'.format(proj_name_input, proj_name_path))
        return proj_info

if __name__ == '__main__':
    root_tk = Tk()

我怎么称呼我的界面: 我想摆脱再次导入Tkinter并返回我的“ proj_info”的需要。

from Choose_project_from_Server_class_v001 import ChooseProjectInterface
    # for Python2
    from Tkinter import *   ## notice capitalized T in Tkinter
except ImportError:
    # for Python3
    from tkinter import *   ## notice lowercase 't' in tkinter here

root_tk = Tk()
my_gui = ChooseProjectInterface(root_tk)

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