您好,我是Tim,我正在创建此代码,该代码将提取整个世界上所有的covid19案例 我想用提取的数据创建一个馅饼
import datetime # So the user can see what time did he/she update the covid19 lists
import time # I use time.sleep to make stop CPU throttling for very slow systems
print("Importing Tkinter")# I add This Callouts so the user can understand what is happening in the background
from tkinter import *
print("Tkinter Imported")
print("Importing Tkinter Messagebox")
from tkinter import messagebox
print("Tkinter Messagebox Imported")
print("Importing COVID19Py")
import COVID19Py
print("COVID19Py Imported")
print("Importing Pandas")
import pandas as pd
print("Pandas Imported")
def corona(conf_list):
d = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(conf_list)
d = pd.concat([d, d['coordinates'].apply(pd.Series),d['latest'].apply(pd.Series)], axis=1)
d.drop(columns= ['coordinates', 'latest'], inplace= True)
return d
def confirmed_wrld():
messagebox.showinfo('Wait',"This Might Take A Min or More")
conf_list = covid19.getLocations(rank_by='confirmed')
df = corona(conf_list)
print("Confirmed.xlsx is updated on " + str(datetime.datetime.now()))
messagebox.showinfo('Saved','Saved In confirmed.xlsx')
def ph():
messagebox.showinfo("Wait","This may take a few minutes")
location = covid19.getLocationByCountryCode("PH")
df = corona(location)
print("Ph.xlsx is updated on " + str(datetime.datetime.now()))
messagebox.showinfo('Saved','Saved in PH.xlsx')
def find():
messagebox.showinfo("Wait","This may take a few minutes")
code = find_Entry.get()
findLocation = covid19.getLocationByCountryCode(code)
df = corona(findLocation)
df.to_excel(code + ".xlsx")
print(code + ".xlsx is updated on " + str(datetime.datetime.now()))
messagebox.showinfo("Saved", "Saved in" + code +".xlsx")
print("Connecting In Johns Hopkins University's(jhu) Database")
covid19 = COVID19Py.COVID19(data_source="jhu")
print("This may take a few seconds depending on your internet connection")
print("Connection Done")
print("exiting CLI")
print("Opening GUI")
print("""The list is not updating real time each country should report new covid19 cases in JHU so they can update their database.
But the list will be updated day by day <3""")
root = Tk()
messagebox.showinfo("Special Thanks","Special Thanks For The FrontLiners Out There Trying To Find Cure And Helping Serve Their Country And The World #BeatCovid19!")
root.title("CoronaVirusLocator Version 1.4")
confirmedBtn = Button(text="confirmed cases death and recoveries of COVID19", command = confirmed_wrld)
phBtn = Button(text = "Covid19 Cases in the PH",command = ph)
find_Entry = Entry()
find_Entry.pa ck()
findBtn = Button(text = "Search By Country Code eg.(PH)", command = find)
print("Thanks For Using This Application")
print("Confirmed Quit")
我在线尝试了教程,但是这些教程没有用。 我尝试将输出另存为xlsx文件,并且现在可以正常工作,我只需要使用这些数据制作一个饼图 我使用熊猫将json文件另存为xlsx文件