对于一个项目,我们需要使用私有存储库作为依赖项,一旦我在npm中安装了它,并尝试导入私有存储库中的一个类,我就无法解决依赖项。 该项目使用包裹 我在app.ts中调用以下代码
import Input from "dgs/src/ts/core/components/input/Input";
let input = Input.keyboard.getKeys();
然后执行:npm run dev 结果是:
x C:\Users\ricardo\Desktop\testInputs\node_modules\dgs\src\ts\core\components\input\gesture_detection.ts:6:26: Cannot resolve dependency '~ts/utility/math_extended/vector2' at 'C:\Users\ricardo\Desktop\testInputs\node_modules\dgs\src\ts\core\components\input\~ts\utility\math_extended\vector2'
at Resolver.resolve (C:\Users\ricardo\Desktop\testInputs\node_modules\parcel\src\Resolver.js:71:17)
at async Bundler.resolveAsset (C:\Users\ricardo\Desktop\testInputs\node_modules\parcel\src\Bundler.js:433:18)
at async Bundler.resolveDep (C:\Users\ricardo\Desktop\testInputs\node_modules\parcel\src\Bundler.js:484:14)
at async C:\Users\ricardo\Desktop\testInputs\node_modules\parcel\src\Bundler.js:608:26
at async Promise.all (index 4)
at async Bundler.loadAsset (C:\Users\ricardo\Desktop\testInputs\node_modules\parcel\src\Bundler.js:599:21)
at async Bundler.processAsset (C:\Users\ricardo\Desktop\testInputs\node_modules\parcel\src\Bundler.js:557:5)
at async PromiseQueue._runJob (C:\Users\ricardo\Desktop\testInputs\node_modules\parcel\src\utils\PromiseQueue.js:48:7)
"name": "testinputs",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"clean": "rimraf ./dist ./.cache",
"dev": "parcel ./src/index.html --open",
"build": "npm run clean && parcel build ./src/index.html --no-source-maps --public-url ./"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
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"dgs": "git+ssh://git@bitbucket.org/BrandedGame/brandedgames_game_engine.git#ricardoduinkerken",
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