
时间:2020-03-29 21:08:35

标签: python matplotlib cartopy

我正在使用通过packagemanager在系统上安装了cartopy版本0.17.0的Arch Linux。我正在尝试使用cartopy作为绘图工具从hdf5文件中绘制一个简单的卫星图像。以下是我尝试生成图像的示例代码:-

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import h5py
import numpy as np
import cartopy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER

input_file = "../input/satellite/3RIMG_27MAR2020_0545_L1C_ASIA_MER.h5"

fh=h5py.File(input_file, 'r')
X = fh["X"][()]
Y = fh["Y"][()]
IMG_TIR1 = fh["IMG_TIR1"][()][0, ::-1, :]

lower_latitude, left_longitude = fh['Projection_Information'].attrs["lower_left_lat_lon(degrees)"]
upper_latitude, right_longitude = fh['Projection_Information'].attrs["upper_right_lat_lon(degrees)"]
lons_values = np.linspace(left_longitude, right_longitude, X.shape[0])
lats_values = np.linspace(lower_latitude, upper_latitude, Y.shape[0])
lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lons_values, lats_values)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8), subplot_kw=dict(projection=cartopy.crs.Mercator()))

ax.pcolormesh(lons, lats, IMG_TIR1, cmap=plt.cm.gist_gray, transform=cartopy.crs.PlateCarree())
ax.coastlines('50m', linewidth=0.8, color='black')
gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True)

# plt.savefig('INSAT3D_IMG_TIR1_cartopy.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=100)



enter image description here



更新1 使用ncdump上传hdf文件的元数据。

        GreyCount = 1024 ;
        X = 1737 ;
        Y = 1616 ;
        proj_dim = 1 ;
        time = 1 ;
        int GreyCount(GreyCount) ;
        ushort IMG_MIR(time, Y, X) ;
                IMG_MIR:long_name = "Middle Infrared Count" ;
                IMG_MIR:invert = "true" ;
                IMG_MIR:central_wavelength = 3.907f ;
                IMG_MIR:bandwidth = 0.2f ;
                IMG_MIR:wavelength_unit = "micron" ;
                IMG_MIR:bits_per_pixel = 10 ;
                IMG_MIR:resolution = 4.f ;
                IMG_MIR:resolution_unit = "km" ;
                IMG_MIR:_FillValue = 1023US ;
                IMG_MIR:lab_radiance_scale_factor = 0.000294963f ;
                IMG_MIR:lab_radiance_add_offset = -0.00477786f ;
                IMG_MIR:lab_radiance_quad = -2.00028e-12 ;
                IMG_MIR:lab_radiance_scale_factor_gsics = 0.000326854f ;
                IMG_MIR:lab_radiance_add_offset_gsics = -0.0131381f ;
                IMG_MIR:lab_radiance_quad_gsics = -2.21654e-12 ;
                IMG_MIR:radiance_units = "mW.cm-2.sr-1.micron-1" ;
                IMG_MIR:grid_mapping = "Projection_Information" ;
        float IMG_MIR_RADIANCE(GreyCount) ;
                IMG_MIR_RADIANCE:long_name = "Middle Infrared Radiance" ;
                IMG_MIR_RADIANCE:invert = "true" ;
                IMG_MIR_RADIANCE:units = "mW.cm-2.sr-1.micron-1" ;
                IMG_MIR_RADIANCE:_FillValue = 999.f ;
        float IMG_MIR_TEMP(GreyCount) ;
                IMG_MIR_TEMP:long_name = "Middle Infrared Brightness Temperature" ;
                IMG_MIR_TEMP:invert = "true" ;
                IMG_MIR_TEMP:units = "K" ;
                IMG_MIR_TEMP:_FillValue = 999.f ;
        ushort IMG_SWIR(time, Y, X) ;
                IMG_SWIR:long_name = "Shortwave Infrared Count" ;
                IMG_SWIR:invert = "false" ;
                IMG_SWIR:central_wavelength = 1.625f ;
                IMG_SWIR:bandwidth = 0.15f ;
                IMG_SWIR:wavelength_unit = "micron" ;
                IMG_SWIR:bits_per_pixel = 10 ;
                IMG_SWIR:resolution = 4.f ;
                IMG_SWIR:resolution_unit = "km" ;
                IMG_SWIR:_FillValue = 0US ;
                IMG_SWIR:lab_radiance_scale_factor = 0.00689f ;
                IMG_SWIR:lab_radiance_add_offset = -0.1674f ;
                IMG_SWIR:lab_radiance_quad = 0. ;
                IMG_SWIR:lab_radiance_scale_factor_gsics = 0.00689f ;
                IMG_SWIR:lab_radiance_add_offset_gsics = -0.1674f ;
                IMG_SWIR:lab_radiance_quad_gsics = 0. ;
                IMG_SWIR:radiance_units = "mW.cm-2.sr-1.micron-1" ;
                IMG_SWIR:grid_mapping = "Projection_Information" ;
        float IMG_SWIR_RADIANCE(GreyCount) ;
                IMG_SWIR_RADIANCE:long_name = "Shortwave Infrared Radiance" ;
                IMG_SWIR_RADIANCE:invert = "false" ;
                IMG_SWIR_RADIANCE:units = "mW.cm-2.sr-1.micron-1" ;
                IMG_SWIR_RADIANCE:_FillValue = 999.f ;
        ushort IMG_TIR1(time, Y, X) ;
                IMG_TIR1:long_name = "Thermal Infrared1 Count" ;
                IMG_TIR1:invert = "true" ;
                IMG_TIR1:central_wavelength = 10.785f ;
                IMG_TIR1:bandwidth = 1.f ;
                IMG_TIR1:wavelength_unit = "micron" ;
                IMG_TIR1:bits_per_pixel = 10 ;
                IMG_TIR1:resolution = 4.f ;
                IMG_TIR1:resolution_unit = "km" ;
                IMG_TIR1:_FillValue = 1023US ;
                IMG_TIR1:lab_radiance_scale_factor = 0.001708f ;
                IMG_TIR1:lab_radiance_add_offset = -0.0145189f ;
                IMG_TIR1:lab_radiance_quad = -4.23297e-07 ;
                IMG_TIR1:lab_radiance_scale_factor_gsics = 0.00250456f ;
                IMG_TIR1:lab_radiance_add_offset_gsics = -0.209975f ;
                IMG_TIR1:lab_radiance_quad_gsics = -6.20708e-07 ;
                IMG_TIR1:radiance_units = "mW.cm-2.sr-1.micron-1" ;
                IMG_TIR1:grid_mapping = "Projection_Information" ;
        float IMG_TIR1_RADIANCE(GreyCount) ;
                IMG_TIR1_RADIANCE:long_name = "Thermal Infrared1 Radiance" ;
                IMG_TIR1_RADIANCE:invert = "true" ;
                IMG_TIR1_RADIANCE:units = "mW.cm-2.sr-1.micron-1" ;
                IMG_TIR1_RADIANCE:_FillValue = 999.f ;
        float IMG_TIR1_TEMP(GreyCount) ;
                IMG_TIR1_TEMP:_FillValue = 999.f ;
                IMG_TIR1_TEMP:long_name = "Thermal Infrared1 Brightness Temperature" ;
                IMG_TIR1_TEMP:invert = "true" ;
                IMG_TIR1_TEMP:units = "K" ;
        ushort IMG_TIR2(time, Y, X) ;
                IMG_TIR2:long_name = "Thermal Infrared2 Count" ;
                IMG_TIR2:invert = "true" ;
                IMG_TIR2:central_wavelength = 11.966f ;
                IMG_TIR2:bandwidth = 1.f ;
                IMG_TIR2:wavelength_unit = "micron" ;
                IMG_TIR2:bits_per_pixel = 10 ;
                IMG_TIR2:resolution = 4.f ;
                IMG_TIR2:resolution_unit = "km" ;
                IMG_TIR2:_FillValue = 1023US ;
                IMG_TIR2:lab_radiance_scale_factor = 0.001549f ;
                IMG_TIR2:lab_radiance_add_offset = -0.0113878f ;
                IMG_TIR2:lab_radiance_quad = -4.33804e-07 ;
                IMG_TIR2:lab_radiance_scale_factor_gsics = 0.00242858f ;
                IMG_TIR2:lab_radiance_add_offset_gsics = -0.195822f ;
                IMG_TIR2:lab_radiance_quad_gsics = -6.80131e-07 ;
                IMG_TIR2:radiance_units = "mW.cm-2.sr-1.micron-1" ;
                IMG_TIR2:grid_mapping = "Projection_Information" ;
        float IMG_TIR2_RADIANCE(GreyCount) ;
                IMG_TIR2_RADIANCE:units = "mW.cm-2.sr-1.micron-1" ;
                IMG_TIR2_RADIANCE:_FillValue = 999.f ;
                IMG_TIR2_RADIANCE:long_name = "Thermal Infrared2 Radiance" ;
                IMG_TIR2_RADIANCE:invert = "true" ;
        float IMG_TIR2_TEMP(GreyCount) ;
                IMG_TIR2_TEMP:long_name = "Thermal Infrared2 Brightness Temperature" ;
                IMG_TIR2_TEMP:invert = "true" ;
                IMG_TIR2_TEMP:units = "K" ;
                IMG_TIR2_TEMP:_FillValue = 999.f ;
        ushort IMG_VIS(time, Y, X) ;
                IMG_VIS:long_name = "Visible Count" ;
                IMG_VIS:invert = "false" ;
                IMG_VIS:central_wavelength = 0.65f ;
                IMG_VIS:wavelength_unit = "micron" ;
                IMG_VIS:bandwidth = 0.25f ;
                IMG_VIS:bits_per_pixel = 10 ;
                IMG_VIS:resolution = 4.f ;
                IMG_VIS:resolution_unit = "km" ;
                IMG_VIS:_FillValue = 0US ;
                IMG_VIS:lab_radiance_scale_factor = 0.06131f ;
                IMG_VIS:lab_radiance_add_offset = -2.643f ;
                IMG_VIS:lab_radiance_quad = 0. ;
                IMG_VIS:lab_radiance_scale_factor_gsics = 0.06131f ;
                IMG_VIS:lab_radiance_add_offset_gsics = -2.643f ;
                IMG_VIS:lab_radiance_quad_gsics = 0. ;
                IMG_VIS:radiance_units = "mW.cm-2.sr-1.micron-1" ;
                IMG_VIS:grid_mapping = "Projection_Information" ;
        float IMG_VIS_ALBEDO(GreyCount) ;
                IMG_VIS_ALBEDO:long_name = "Visible Albedo" ;
                IMG_VIS_ALBEDO:invert = "false" ;
                IMG_VIS_ALBEDO:units = "%" ;
        float IMG_VIS_RADIANCE(GreyCount) ;
                IMG_VIS_RADIANCE:long_name = "Visible Radiance" ;
                IMG_VIS_RADIANCE:invert = "false" ;
                IMG_VIS_RADIANCE:units = "mW.cm-2.sr-1.micron-1" ;
                IMG_VIS_RADIANCE:_FillValue = 999.f ;
        ushort IMG_WV(time, Y, X) ;
                IMG_WV:long_name = "Water Vapor Count" ;
                IMG_WV:invert = "true" ;
                IMG_WV:wavelength_unit = "micron" ;
                IMG_WV:central_wavelength = 6.866f ;
                IMG_WV:bandwidth = 0.6f ;
                IMG_WV:bits_per_pixel = 10 ;
                IMG_WV:resolution = 4.f ;
                IMG_WV:resolution_unit = "km" ;
                IMG_WV:_FillValue = 1023US ;
                IMG_WV:lab_radiance_scale_factor = 0.00114622f ;
                IMG_WV:lab_radiance_add_offset = -0.010913f ;
                IMG_WV:lab_radiance_quad = -2.06407e-07 ;
                IMG_WV:lab_radiance_scale_factor_gsics = 0.00145709f ;
                IMG_WV:lab_radiance_add_offset_gsics = -0.0332341f ;
                IMG_WV:lab_radiance_quad_gsics = -2.62387e-07 ;
                IMG_WV:radiance_units = "mW.cm-2.sr-1.micron-1" ;
                IMG_WV:grid_mapping = "Projection_Information" ;
        float IMG_WV_RADIANCE(GreyCount) ;
                IMG_WV_RADIANCE:long_name = "Water Vapor Radiance" ;
                IMG_WV_RADIANCE:invert = "true" ;
                IMG_WV_RADIANCE:units = "mW.cm-2.sr-1.micron-1" ;
                IMG_WV_RADIANCE:_FillValue = 999.f ;
        float IMG_WV_TEMP(GreyCount) ;
                IMG_WV_TEMP:long_name = "Water Vapor Brightness Temperature" ;
                IMG_WV_TEMP:invert = "true" ;
                IMG_WV_TEMP:units = "K" ;
                IMG_WV_TEMP:_FillValue = 999.f ;
        int Projection_Information(proj_dim) ;
                Projection_Information:upper_left_lat_lon\(degrees\) = 45.5, 44.5 ;
                Projection_Information:upper_right_lat_lon\(degrees\) = 45.5, 110. ;
                Projection_Information:lower_left_lat_lon\(degrees\) = -10., 44.5 ;
                Projection_Information:lower_right_lat_lon\(degrees\) = -10., 110. ;
                Projection_Information:upper_left_xy\(meters\) = -3473242.733735, 5401854.420193 ;
                Projection_Information:grid_mapping_name = "mercator" ;
                Projection_Information:false_easting = 0. ;
                Projection_Information:false_northing = 0. ;
                Projection_Information:longitude_of_projection_origin = 77.25 ;
                Projection_Information:semi_major_axis = 6378137. ;
                Projection_Information:semi_minor_axis = 6356752.3142 ;
                Projection_Information:standard_parallel = 17.75 ;
        ushort Sat_Azimuth(time, Y, X) ;
                Sat_Azimuth:scale_factor = 0.01f ;
                Sat_Azimuth:_FillValue = 65535US ;
                Sat_Azimuth:long_name = "Satellite Azimuth" ;
                Sat_Azimuth:add_offset = 0.f ;
                Sat_Azimuth:units = "degree" ;
                Sat_Azimuth:grid_mapping = "Projection_Information" ;
        short Sat_Elevation(time, Y, X) ;
                Sat_Elevation:long_name = "Satellite Elevation" ;
                Sat_Elevation:units = "degree" ;
                Sat_Elevation:add_offset = 0.f ;
                Sat_Elevation:scale_factor = 0.01f ;
                Sat_Elevation:grid_mapping = "Projection_Information" ;
                Sat_Elevation:_FillValue = 32767s ;
        ushort Sun_Azimuth(time, Y, X) ;
                Sun_Azimuth:add_offset = 0.f ;
                Sun_Azimuth:scale_factor = 0.01f ;
                Sun_Azimuth:units = "degree" ;
                Sun_Azimuth:long_name = "Sun Azimuth" ;
                Sun_Azimuth:_FillValue = 65535US ;
                Sun_Azimuth:grid_mapping = "Projection_Information" ;
        short Sun_Elevation(time, Y, X) ;
                Sun_Elevation:long_name = "Sun Elevation" ;
                Sun_Elevation:add_offset = 0.f ;
                Sun_Elevation:scale_factor = 0.01f ;
                Sun_Elevation:units = "degree" ;
                Sun_Elevation:_FillValue = 32767s ;
                Sun_Elevation:grid_mapping = "Projection_Information" ;
        double X(X) ;
                X:long_name = "x coordinate of projection" ;
                X:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;
                X:units = "m" ;
        double Y(Y) ;
                Y:long_name = "y coordinate of projection" ;
                Y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;
                Y:units = "m" ;
        int proj_dim(proj_dim) ;
        double time(time) ;
                time:units = "minutes since 2000-01-01 00:00:00" ;

// global attributes:
                :conventions = "CF-1.6" ;
                :title = "3RIMG_27MAR2020_0545_ASIA_MER_L1C" ;
                :institute = "BES,SAC/ISRO,Ahmedabad,INDIA." ;
                :source = "BES,SAC/ISRO,Ahmedabad,INDIA." ;
                :Unique_Id = "3RIMG_27MAR2020_0545_ASIA_MER" ;
                :Satellite_Name = "INSAT-3DR" ;
                :Sensor_Id = "IMG" ;
                :Sensor_Name = "IMAGER" ;
                :HDF_Product_File_Name = "3RIMG_27MAR2020_0545_L1C_ASIA_MER.h5" ;
                :Output_Format = "hdf5-1.8.8" ;
                :Station_Id = "BES" ;
                :Ground_Station = "BES,SAC/ISRO,Ahmedabad,INDIA." ;
                :Product_Type = "SECTOR" ;
                :Processing_Level = "L1C" ;
                :Acquisition_Date = "27MAR2020" ;
                :Acquisition_Time_in_GMT = "0545" ;
                :Acquisition_Start_Time = "27-MAR-2020T05:45:15" ;
                :Acquisition_End_Time = "27-MAR-2020T06:12:09" ;
                :Product_Creation_Time = "2020-03-27T11:49:58" ;
                :Nominal_Altitude\(km\) = 36000.f ;
                :Nominal_Central_Point_Coordinates\(degrees\)_Latitude_Longitude = 0., 74. ;
                :Software_Version = "1.0" ;
                :left_longitude = 44.5f ;
                :right_longitude = 110.f ;
                :upper_latitude = 45.5f ;
                :lower_latitude = -10.f ;
                :Datum = "WGS84" ;
                :Ellipsoid = "WGS84" ;


似乎是从X,Y坐标转换为经度和纬度的问题。 X和Y数据以米为单位。我已经使用X&Y维度和meshgrid命令将此一维数据转换为2D数据。以下是示例X和Y数据以供查看:-

X = -3473242.733735, -3469241.30201411, -3465239.87029321, 
    -3461238.43857232, -3457237.00685143, -3453235.57513054, 
    -3449234.14340964, -3445232.71168875, -3441231.27996786, 
    -3437229.84824696, -3433228.41652607, -3429226.98480518, 
    -3425225.55308429, -3421224.12136339, -3417222.6896425, 
    -3413221.25792161, -3409219.82620071, -3405218.39447982, 
    -3401216.96275893, -3397215.53103804, -3393214.09931714, 

Y = 5401854.420193, 5397853.95696842, 5393853.49374385, 5389853.03051927, 
    5385852.5672947, 5381852.10407012, 5377851.64084554, 5373851.17762097, 
    5369850.71439639, 5365850.25117182, 5361849.78794724, 5357849.32472267, 
    5353848.86149809, 5349848.39827351, 5345847.93504894, 5341847.47182436, 
    5337847.00859979, 5333846.54537521, 5329846.08215063, 5325845.61892606, 
    5321845.15570148, 5317844.69247691, 5313844.22925233, 5309843.76602776, 
    5305843.30280318, 5301842.8395786, 5297842.37635403, 5293841.91312945, 

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




import h5py
import numpy as np
import cartopy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER

input_file = "../input/satellite/3RIMG_27MAR2020_0545_L1C_ASIA_MER.h5"

fh = h5py.File(input_file, 'r')
X = fh["X"][()]
Y = fh["Y"][()]
IMG_TIR1 = fh["IMG_TIR1"][()][0, ::-1, :]

globe = ccrs.Globe(semimajor_axis=6378137, semiminor_axis=6356752.3142)
proj = ccrs.Mercator(central_longitude=77.25,
                     latitude_true_scale=17.75, globe=globe)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8), subplot_kw=dict(projection=proj))

ax.pcolormesh(X, Y, IMG_TIR1, cmap=plt.cm.gist_gray)
ax.coastlines('50m', linewidth=0.8, color='black')
gl = ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


import pyproj

fh=h5py.File(input_file, 'r')

X = fh["X"][()]
Y = fh["Y"][()]

p = pyproj.Proj("+proj=merc +lon_0=77.25 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6356752.3142 +lat_ts=17.75 "
                    "+ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs")
xv, yv = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
lon_grid, lat_grid = p(xv, yv, inverse=True)

此后,像往常一样处理数据,结果显示如下:enter image description here