<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<customUI onLoad="Ribbon_Load" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/01/customui" loadImage="CallbackLoadImage">
<tab id="AutoReport" label="AutoReport" insertAfterMso="Developer">
<group id="group1" label="General">
<button id="button1" onAction = "New_Slide_Button" description="Create a new slide in the presentation" label="New Slide" size="large" image= "New_Slide.png"/>
<button id="button2" onAction = "Apply_Theme_Button" description="Apply theme to presentation" label="Apply Theme" size="large" image="Apply_Theme.png" />
<button id="button3" onAction = "Apply_Theme_Button.png" description="Apply formatting to presentation" label="Apply Formatting" size="large" image="Apply_Formatting.png" />
<group id="group2" label="Styling">
<dropDown id="dropDown1" label="Theme" image="Theme.png" />
<dropDown id="dropDown2" label="Font" image="Font.png" />
<group id="group3" label="View">
<button id="button4" onAction = "New_Preview_Button" description="Create new preview of presentation" label="New Preview" image="Clean_Preview.png" />
<button id="button5" onAction = "Save_Preview_Button" description="Save preview formatting and layout of presentation" label="Save Preview" image="Save.png" />
<button id="button6" onAction = "Preview_Button" label="Preview" image="Preview.png"/>
<group id="group4" label="Command">
<button id="button7" onAction ="Build_Presentation_Button" description="Create PowerPoint Presentation" label="Create Presentation" size="large" image="Create_Presentation.png" />
Sub Build_Ribbon()
Dim hFile As Long
Dim path As String, fileName As String, ribbonXML As String, user As String
Dim my_file As Integer
Dim text_line As String
Dim file_name As String
Dim i As Integer
hFile = FreeFile
user = Environ("Username")
path = "C:\Users\" & user & "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\"
fileName = "Excel.officeUI"
ribbonXML = ""
file_name = "C:\Users\" & user & "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns\Smart Report\AutoReportXML.txt"
my_file = FreeFile()
Open file_name For Input As my_file
i = 1
While Not EOF(my_file)
Line Input #my_file, text_line
ribbonXML = ribbonXML & text_line & vbNewLine
i = i + 1
Debug.Print ribbonXML
Close hFile
Open path & fileName For Output Access Write As hFile
Print #hFile, ribbonXML
Close hFile
'ribbonXML = "<mso:customUI xmlns:mso=""http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"">" & _
End Sub
Sub CallbackLoadImage(imageID As String, ByRef image)
Dim ThisPath As String
ThisPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.path
Set image = LoadPicture(ThisPath & "\Icons\" & imageID)
End Sub