
时间:2020-03-20 18:18:47

标签: pyspark group-by partition-by


|stock| date   | hour  |  minute  |  second  |  price   |
 VOD  | 01-02  |  10   |   13     |   11     |  85.35   |
 VOD  | 01-02  |  10   |   13     |   12     |  85.75   |
 VOD  | 01-02  |  10   |   14     |   09     |  84.35   |    
 VOD  | 01-02  |  10   |   14     |   16     |  82.85   |   
 VOD  | 01-02  |  10   |   14     |   26     |  85.65   |   
 VOD  | 01-02  |  10   |   15     |   07     |  84.35   |    
 ...     ...      ...     ....       ...         ...
 ABC  | 01-02  |  11   |   13     |   11     |  25.35   |
 ABC  | 01-02  |  11   |   13     |   15     |  25.39   |
 ABC  | 01-02  |  11   |   13     |   19     |  25.26   |


|stock| date   | hour  | minute| Price | 
 VOD  | 01-02  |  10   |  13   | 85.75 |
 VOD  | 01-02  |  10   |  14   | 85.65 |
 VOD  | 01-02  |  10   |  15   | 84.35 |
 VOD  | 01-02  |  10   |  16   | 85.75 |
 ...     ...      ...    ....     ...       
 ABC  | 01-02  |  11   |  13   | 25.26 |   


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我们可以使用window功能并在 'stock', 'date', 'hour', 'minute' 上进行分区来创建新框架。

  • 在这种情况下,我们可以按** {second **列按descending顺序进行排序。

  • 然后我们只能从窗口框架中选择first row

#|stock| date|hour|minute|second|price|
#|  VOD|01-02|  10|    13|    11|85.35|
#|  VOD|01-02|  10|    13|    12|85.75|
#|  VOD|01-02|  10|    14|    09|84.35|
#|  VOD|01-02|  10|    14|    16|82.85|
#|  VOD|01-02|  10|    14|    26|85.65|

from pyspark.sql.window import Window
from pyspark.sql.functions import *

w = Window.partitionBy('stock', 'date', 'hour', 'minute').orderBy(desc('second'))

#adding rownumber to the data

#|stock| date|hour|minute|second|price| rn|
#|  VOD|01-02|  10|    13|    12|85.75|  1|
#|  VOD|01-02|  10|    13|    11|85.35|  2|
#|  VOD|01-02|  10|    14|    26|85.65|  1|
#|  VOD|01-02|  10|    14|    16|82.85|  2|
#|  VOD|01-02|  10|    14|    09|84.35|  3|

#then select only the first row as we are ordering descending.
df.withColumn("rn",row_number().over(w)).filter(col("rn") == 1).drop("second","rn").show()
#|stock| date|hour|minute|price|
#|  VOD|01-02|  10|    13|85.75|
#|  VOD|01-02|  10|    14|85.65|

答案 1 :(得分:0)



df1=df[['stock', 'date','hour','minute','second','price']].withColumn('subgroup',psf.sum('price').over(w1))
df1.orderBy(['stock', 'date','hour','minute','second']).show() 
 # create a column named subgroup to get the cumulative value of price

w=Window.partitionBy('stock', 'date','hour','minute','second')
#Get the row with largest value of cumulative price

df3=df3.orderBy(['stock', 'date','hour','minute','second'], ascending=[True, True,True,True,True]).drop('subgroup')

df3=df3.withColumnRenamed('price','lastprice')   # rename