
时间:2020-03-11 21:31:38

标签: javascript discord discord.js

当人们执行!help时,我将如何创建一个显示所有命令的帮助命令,因为我不知道如何在index.js文件中执行帮助命令,或者是否容易将帮助放进去? 。它使用dicord econmy代码,但没有帮助命令来显示所有命令

const eco = require("discord-economy");

//Create the bot client
const client = new Discord.Client();

//Set the prefix and token of the bot.
const settings = {
  prefix: '!',
  token: 'token'

//Whenever someone types a message this gets activated.
//(If you use 'await' in your functions make sure you put async here)
client.on('message', async message => {

  //This reads the first part of your message behind your prefix to see which command you want to use.
  var command = message.content.toLowerCase().slice(settings.prefix.length).split(' ')[0];

  //These are the arguments behind the commands.
  var args = message.content.split(' ').slice(1);

  //If the message does not start with your prefix return.
  //If the user that types a message is a bot account return.
  if (!message.content.startsWith(settings.prefix) || return;

  if (command === 'balance') {

    var output = await eco.FetchBalance(`Hey ${}! You own ${output.balance} coins.`);

  if (command === 'daily') {

    var output = await eco.Daily(
    //output.updated will tell you if the user already claimed his/her daily yes or no.

    if (output.updated) {

      var profile = await eco.AddToBalance(, 100)
      message.reply(`You claimed your daily coins successfully! You now own ${profile.newbalance} coins.`);

    } else {`Sorry, you already claimed your daily coins!\nBut no worries, over ${output.timetowait} you can daily again!`)


  if (command === 'resetdaily') {

    var output = await eco.ResetDaily(

    message.reply(output) //It will send 'Daily Reset.'


  if (command === 'leaderboard') {

    //If you use discord-economy guild based you can use the filter() function to only allow the database within your guild
    //( + can be your way to store guild based id's
    //filter: x => x.userid.endsWith(

    //If you put a mention behind the command it searches for the mentioned user in database and tells the position.
    if (message.mentions.users.first()) {

      var output = await eco.Leaderboard({
        filter: x => x.balance > 50,
        search: message.mentions.users.first().id
      })`The user ${message.mentions.users.first().tag} is number ${output} on my leaderboard!`);

    } else {

        limit: 3, //Only takes top 3 ( Totally Optional )
        filter: x => x.balance > 50 //Only allows people with more than 100 balance ( Totally Optional )
      }).then(async users => { //make sure it is async

        if (users[0]) var firstplace = await client.fetchUser(users[0].userid) //Searches for the user object in discord for first place
        if (users[1]) var secondplace = await client.fetchUser(users[1].userid) //Searches for the user object in discord for second place
        if (users[2]) var thirdplace = await client.fetchUser(users[2].userid) //Searches for the user object in discord for third place`My leaderboard:

1 - ${firstplace && firstplace.tag || 'Nobody Yet'} : ${users[0] && users[0].balance || 'None'}
2 - ${secondplace && secondplace.tag || 'Nobody Yet'} : ${users[1] && users[1].balance || 'None'}
3 - ${thirdplace && thirdplace.tag || 'Nobody Yet'} : ${users[2] && users[2].balance || 'None'}`)



  if (command === 'transfer') {

    var user = message.mentions.users.first()
    var amount = args[1]

    if (!user) return message.reply('Reply the user you want to send money to!')
    if (!amount) return message.reply('Specify the amount you want to pay!')

    var output = await eco.FetchBalance(
    if (output.balance < amount) return message.reply('You have fewer coins than the amount you want to transfer!')

    var transfer = await eco.Transfer(,, amount)
    message.reply(`Transfering coins successfully done!\nBalance from ${}: ${transfer.FromUser}\nBalance from ${user.tag}: ${transfer.ToUser}`);

  if (command === 'coinflip') {

    var flip = args[0] //Heads or Tails
    var amount = args[1] //Coins to gamble

    if (!flip || !['heads', 'tails'].includes(flip)) return message.reply('Please specify the flip, either heads or tails!')
    if (!amount) return message.reply('Specify the amount you want to gamble!')

    var output = await eco.FetchBalance(
    if (output.balance < amount) return message.reply('You have fewer coins than the amount you want to gamble!')

    var gamble = await eco.Coinflip(, flip, amount).catch(console.error)
    message.reply(`You ${gamble.output}! New balance: ${gamble.newbalance}`)


  if (command === 'dice') {

    var roll = args[0] //Should be a number between 1 and 6
    var amount = args[1] //Coins to gamble

    if (!roll || ![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].includes(parseInt(roll))) return message.reply('Specify the roll, it should be a number between 1-6')
    if (!amount) return message.reply('Specify the amount you want to gamble!')

    var output = eco.FetchBalance(
    if (output.balance < amount) return message.reply('You have fewer coins than the amount you want to gamble!')

    var gamble = await eco.Dice(, roll, amount).catch(console.error)
    message.reply(`The dice rolled ${gamble.dice}. So you ${gamble.output}! New balance: ${gamble.newbalance}`)


  if (command == 'delete') { //You want to make this command admin only!

    var user = message.mentions.users.first()
    if (!user) return message.reply('Please specify a user I have to delete in my database!')

    if (!`ADMINISTRATION`)) return message.reply('You need to be admin to execute this command!')

    var output = await eco.Delete(
    if (output.deleted == true) return message.reply('Successfully deleted the user out of the database!')

    message.reply('Error: Could not find the user in database.')


  if (command === 'work') { //I made 2 examples for this command! Both versions will work!

    var output = await eco.Work(
    //50% chance to fail and earn nothing. You earn between 1-100 coins. And you get one out of 20 random jobs.
    if (output.earned == 0) return message.reply('Awh, you did not do your job well so you earned nothing!')`${}
You worked as a \` ${output.job} \` and earned :money_with_wings: ${output.earned}
You now own :money_with_wings: ${output.balance}`)

    var output = await eco.Work(, {
      failurerate: 10,
      money: Math.floor(Math.random() * 500),
      jobs: ['cashier', 'shopkeeper']
    //10% chance to fail and earn nothing. You earn between 1-500 coins. And you get one of those 3 random jobs.
    if (output.earned == 0) return message.reply('Awh, you did not do your job well so you earned nothing!')`${}
You worked as a \` ${output.job} \` and earned :money_with_wings: ${output.earned}
You now own :money_with_wings: ${output.balance}`)


  if (command === 'slots') {

    var amount = args[0] //Coins to gamble

    if (!amount) return message.reply('Specify the amount you want to gamble!')

    var output = await eco.FetchBalance(
    if (output.balance < amount) return message.reply('You have fewer coins than the amount you want to gamble!')

    var gamble = await eco.Slots(, amount, {
      width: 3,
      height: 1
    }).catch(console.error) checks for a 100% match vertical or horizontal.
    message.reply(`You ${gamble.output}! New balance: ${gamble.newbalance}`)



//Your secret token to log the bot in. (never show this to anyone!)
client.login(settings.token) ```

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


if (command === 'help') {
  message.reply('here are my commands: commamd1 commamd2')
