
时间:2020-03-02 08:15:44

标签: python beautifulsoup


public void ShowData()//String data)
           final ProgressDialog progressDialog =new ProgressDialog ( this );
            progressDialog.setMessage ( "Loading.." );
            progressDialog.show ();

        query1 = myRef.orderByChild ( "dateTime" ); // this is for Filter the data (The recently data you add is show on top of application)
        //  options=new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder<modelClass> ().setQuery ( myRef,modelClass.class ).build ();//for retrive
        options = new FirebaseRecyclerOptions.Builder < modelClass > ().setQuery ( query1 , modelClass.class ).build ();//for search and retrive
        adapter = new FirebaseRecyclerAdapter < modelClass, MyVIewHolder > ( options ) {

            protected void onBindViewHolder(@NonNull final MyVIewHolder holder , final int position , @NonNull modelClass model)  //for binding the View of recycler_view_item_layout

           /* holder.college.setText ( model.getCollege () );
            holder.contact.setText ( model.getContact ()  );
            holder.time.setText ( model.getDateTime ());
            holder.food.setText ( model.getFood () );
            holder.name.setText ( model.getName () );*/

           progressDialog.dismiss ();
                    holder.setFoodPost ( model ); //for set all data to view

                //for set intent on Contact num View
                holder.contact.setOnClickListener ( new View.OnClickListener () {
                    public void onClick(View view) {
                        String phoneNum = holder.contact.getText ().toString ();
                        Intent in = new Intent ( Intent.ACTION_DIAL );
                        in.setData ( Uri.parse ( "tel:" + phoneNum ) );  // This ensures only Dial apps respond
                        if (in.resolveActivity ( getPackageManager () ) != null) {
                            startActivity ( in );

                        } else {
                            Toast.makeText ( MainActivity.this , "Failed" , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show ();
                } );

                //for longPress on particular view(CardView)
                //for Delete the particular data when press long click on the View(CardView)
                holder.itemView.setOnLongClickListener ( new View.OnLongClickListener () {
                    public boolean onLongClick(View view) {
                        //for post_key we simply fetch that data postion which we want to delete
                        post_key = getRef ( position ).getKey ();
                        openDeleteWindow ();//this is a method for open the Delete Window
                        // Toast.makeText ( MainActivity.this , "Press" , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show ();
                        return true;
                } );

当我打印html = fancy_html(i) soup = BeautifulSoup(html) mydivs = soup.findAll("table") 时,将获得带有值的表格。 我想访问它们的高度和宽度,我不想固定桌子的高度和宽度

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


# main.py

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

html_content = """

soup = bs(html_content, "html.parser")
tr = soup.findAll("tr")
th = soup.findAll("th")

height = len(tr)
width = len(th)

print("height:", height)
print("width:", width)
~$ python3 main.py


