
时间:2011-05-18 15:41:22

标签: ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3


  <% (0..@products.length-1).step(2) do |i| %>
    <tr><td><div id="product_left">
        <%= image_tag @products[i].photo.url(:small) %>
        <%= @products[i].name %><br/>
        Price: <%= @products[i].price %><br/>   
        <%= link_to "details", :action=>"show", :id=> @products[i].id %>
        <%= link_to "add to card", {:controller=> "carts", :action=>"add", :id=> @products[i].id}, :remote=> true %>
     </div> </td>
    <% if @products.length > i %>
     <td><div id="product_right">       
        <%= image_tag @products[i+1].photo.url(:small) %> 
        <%= @products[i+1].name %><br/>
        Price: <%= @products[i+1].price %><br/> 
        <%= link_to "details", :action=>"show", :id=> @products[i+1].id %>
        <%= link_to "add to card", {:controller=> "carts", :action=>"add", :id=> @products[i+1].id}, :remote=> true %>
     <% end %>
  <% end %>

问题出在第二个div中,rails在@products [i + 1]上给我一个错误。我该如何解决?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

  <% @products.each_slice(2) do |products| -%>
      <% products.zip(["left", "right"]).each do |product, side| -%>
          <div id="product_<%= side %>">
            <%= image_tag product.photo.url(:small) %>
            <%= product.name %><br/>
            Price: <%= product.price %><br/>   
            <%= link_to "details", product %>
            <%= link_to "add to card", [:add, :carts, product], :remote=> true %>
      <% end %>
  <% end -%>

此外,您不应该使用uniq id。这里有多个product_leftproduct_right ID。那不好