
时间:2020-02-27 14:54:46

标签: postgresql


我需要处于活动状态的customer_name,并且indore,Mumbai中的attribute_name = City和attribute_value,结果应返回小于等于2的计数




customer_id customer_name customer_Status
1           ABC            Active
2           XYZ            Active
3           PQR            NA
4           ABCD           Active
4           ABCDE          Active

customer_details 表具有以下详细信息

customer_id  attribute_name attribute_value
1            City            Indore
1            Phone Number    9100000000
1            Country         India
2            City            Mumbai
2            Phone Number    9100000001
2            Country         India
3            City            Delhi
3            Phone Number    9100000002
3            Country         India
4            City            Mumbai
4            Phone Number    9100000003
4            Country         India
5            City            Mumbai
5            Phone Number    9100000004
5            Country         India


select  attribute_value, r.customer_name from customer_details res
join lateral (
    select customer_name from Customer_table 
    where res.customer_id=customer_id     
    and customer_Status= 'Active'
    limit 2
) r on true
where attribute_name= 'City' and attribute_value in ('Indore','Mumbai');


SELECT s.customer_name,attribute_value
   SELECT *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ) AS rn
   FROM   customer_details
   WHERE   attribute_name= 'City' and attribute_value in ('Indore','Mumbai')
) e
JOIN   Customer_table s USING (customer_id)
WHERE  rn <= 2
and and customer_Status= 'Active'
ORDER  BY customer_id, e.rn;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


select customer_name,attribute_value from (
select ct.customer_name,attribute_value,row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY attribute_value ) AS rn
from customer_table ct ,customer_details cd
where ct.customer_status = 'Active' and ct.customer_id = cd.customer_id
and attribute_name='City' and attribute_value in('Indore','Mumbai')
) as t
where rn <= 2

答案 1 :(得分:0)


create view Customer_Standard as 
    select c.cust_id, c.name, c.status, ph.attribute_value phone_number, ct.attribute_value city, cn.attribute_value country
      from customers c
      left join  customer_details ph on (ph.cust_id = c.cust_id and ph.attribute_name = 'Phone Number')
      left join  customer_details ct on (ct.cust_id = c.cust_id and ct.attribute_name = 'City')
      left join  customer_details cn on (cn.cust_id = c.cust_id and cn.attribute_name = 'Country') ; 


select cust_id, name, status, phone_number, city, country
  from (select cs.*, row_number() over (partition by city order by cust_id) rn
          from Customer_Standard cs
       ) cust
 where city in ('Indore','Mumbai')
   and rn<3;