public class Executor {
public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Executable { get; set; }
public Executor(DateTime starttime, string name, string executable) {
StartTime = starttime;
Name = name;
Executable = executable;
static void CreateScriptScehdule(List<Script> scriptList) {
// Declare and initialize variables
Hashtable htExecutionList = new Hashtable();
// Code to create a list of the times and manage the item properties
// Create a loop to define the exeuction times of the script between the start and stop time.
// use a tempTime to compare to the stop time
while (DateTime.Compare(tempTime,timeStop) < 0) {
// Create an object for the executable based on the script rules
Executor exe = new Executor(tempTime,item.Name,item.Executable);
// Add the executable object to the hashtable htExecutionList
double exeTimeEpoch = ttoe(tempTime);
exeKey = exeTimeEpoch.ToString() + item.Name;
// Loop through the hashtable to print out the stored information to verify the creation for debugging
foreach (DictionaryEntry s in htExecutionList) {
当我检查s.Value的值时,我收到了值ReceiveConfigFile.Executor。这使我相信可以从ReceiveConfigFile脚本存储对象Executor,但是当我尝试检索诸如 StartTime 或 Name 之类的属性时,会收到错误消息。我一直试图将值打印为 s.Value.Name ,以为我可以获取对象属性。我收到的错误是:
error CS1061: 'System.Collection.DictionaryEntry' does not contain a definition for 'Namel accepting a first argument of type 'System.Collections.DictionaryEntry' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference)
答案 0 :(得分:-1)
using System.Collections.Generic;
Dictionary<string, Executor> ExecutionDict = new Dictionary<string, Executor>();
接下来,我需要将键定义为唯一的值,因此我创建了一个与特定时间和描述相关联的变量,以知道即使关联了时间,该键也永远不会重复。 exe变量存储了Executor类的实例,该实例具有代码中先前定义的变量。最后一行将条目添加到字典中。我将此代码循环了起来,因此每次都能继续添加相同的变量和新值。
While (condition) {
Executor exe = new Executor(tempTime,item.Name,item.Executable);
exeKey = exeTimeEpoch.ToString() + item.Name;
foreach(KeyValuePair<string,Executor> temp in ExecutionDict) {
Console.WriteLine("For the Key {0} the Name is {1} and the Name is {2} and the Name is {3}", temp.Key, temp.Value.Name, temp.Value.Executable, temp.Value.StartTime);