
时间:2011-05-18 00:42:42

标签: c function


#include <stdio.h>
//Function Declarations
double obtainTemp (void);
**double convertTemp (double tempF, double tempR, double tempC, double tempK);**
void printResult (double tempF, double tempR, double tempC, double tempK);

int main (void)
    //Local Declarations
    double tempF;
    double tempR;
    double tempC;
    double tempK;
    double fahrenheit;
    double rankine;
    double celsius;
    double kelvin;

    //Calling the functions
    fahrenheit = obtainTemp ();
    rankine = convertTemp (tempR);
    celsius = convertTemp (tempC);
    kelvin = convertTemp (tempK);

    //will print it by...
    printResult (tempF, tempR, tempC, tempK);

    int temp;
    printf("Press anything to exit: ");
    scanf("%d", &temp);

    return 0;

double obtainTemp (void)
       //Local Declarations
       double tempF;
       printf("Enter temperature: ");
       scanf("%lf", &tempF);

       return tempF;

int convertTemp (double tempF, double tempR, double tempC, double tempK);

       tempR = (tempF - 32) + 491.67;
       tempC = (tempF - 32) * 100/180;
       tempK = tempC + 273.16;

       return tempF, tempR, tempC, tempK;

void printResult (double tempF, double tempR, double tempC, double tempK)
     printf("The temperature is %lf degrees fahrenheit\n", tempF);
     printf("The value of %lf in rankine is %lf\n", tempF, tempR);
     printf("The value of %lf in celsius is %lf\n", tempF, tempC);
     printf("The value of %lf in kelvin is %lf\n", tempF, tempK);


double convertTemp (double tempF, double tempR, double tempC, double tempK);


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


但这只是你的第一个错误。 SECOND是现在声明的函数参数,它们将创建参数的本地副本:

double convertTemp (double tempF, double tempR, double tempC, double tempK);



  • 第一个,如果您对指针一无所知,可以稍微复杂一些。在这种方法中,为了修改main的原始变量,您需要更改函数签名以接收内存指针:

    void convertTemp(double * tempF,double * tempR,double * tempC,double * tempK);


void convertTemp (double* tempF, double* tempR, double* tempC, double* tempK)
       *tempR = (*tempF - 32) + 491.67;
       *tempC = (*tempF - 32) * 100/180;
       *tempK = *tempC + 273.16;

请注意,新函数签名不会返回任何值(即 void )。这不是必需的,因为您将直接操作main()传递的变量。


fahrenheit = obtainTemp();
convertTemp(&fahrenheit, &rankine, &celsius, &kelvin);
  • 第二种方法,因为您是初学者,这可能会让您更容易理解,就是声明3个函数,每个转换需要执行一次:

double convertR(double value)
  return (value - 32) + 491.67;

double convertC(double value)
  return (value - 32) * 100/180;

double convertK(double value)
  return value + 273.16;


fahrenheit = obtainTemp();
rankine = convertR(fahrenheit);
celsius = convertC(fahrenheit);
kelvin = convertK(fahrenheit);

printResult(fahrenheit, rankine, celsius, kelvin);

答案 1 :(得分:2)

在C中,您必须匹配函数声明的参数数量。如果要在函数中支持可变数量的参数,请使用stdarg。 所以你的编译器告诉你:

rankine = convertTemp(tempR);


答案 2 :(得分:2)

您必须传递函数所需的参数数量。 convertTemp需要4个参数,tempFtempRtempCtempK。您在convertTemp的电话中只传递了一个参数。

您需要编写convertTemp的三个版本。 convertFahrenheitToRankineconvertFahrenheitToCelsiusconvertFahrenheitToKelvin。这些函数中的每一个都应该采用一个双参数,即华氏温度作为输入,每个参数应输出从华氏温度转换为其转换的单位类型。

答案 3 :(得分:2)


下面这个功能太少了   参数,


double convertTemp (double tempF, double tempR, double tempC, double tempK);


rankine = convertTemp (tempR);
celsius = convertTemp (tempC);
kelvin = convertTemp (tempK);


#include <stdio.h>
//Function Declarations
//double obtainTemp (void);
//**double convertTemp (double tempF, double tempR, double tempC, double tempK);**
void printResult (double tempF, double tempR, double tempC, double tempK);

int main (void)
    //Local Declarations
    double tempF = 0.0;
    double tempR = 0.0;
    double tempC = 0.0;
    double tempK = 0.0;
//    double fahrenheit;
//    double rankine;
//    double celsius;
//    double kelvin;

    //Calling the functions
//    fahrenheit = obtainTemp ();
//    rankine = convertTemp (tempR);
//    celsius = convertTemp (tempC);
//    kelvin = convertTemp (tempK);
    //will print it by...
    printResult (tempF, tempR, tempC, tempK);

    int temp;
//    printf("Press anything to exit: ");
//    scanf("%d", &temp);

    return 0;

//double obtainTemp (void)
//       //Local Declarations
//       double tempF;
//       printf("Enter temperature: ");
//       scanf("%lf", &tempF);
//       return tempF;
//int convertTemp (double tempF, double tempR, double tempC, double tempK);
//       //Statements
//       tempR = (tempF - 32) + 491.67;
//       tempC = (tempF - 32) * 100/180;
//       tempK = tempC + 273.16;
//       return tempF, tempR, tempC, tempK;
void printResult (double tempF, double tempR, double tempC, double tempK)
     printf("The temperature is %f degrees fahrenheit\n", tempF);
     printf("The value of %f in rankine is %f\n", tempF, tempR);
     printf("The value of %f in celsius is %f\n", tempF, tempC);
     printf("The value of %f in kelvin is %f\n", tempF, tempK);


答案 4 :(得分:0)


int convertTemp (double tempF, double *tempR, double *tempC, double *tempK);
   *tempR = (tempF - 32) + 491.67;
   *tempC = (tempF - 32) * 100/180;
   *tempK = *tempC + 273.16;

   return 0; // return 0 for ok? in your function declaration you said it to be and double instead of a int


//Calling the functions
fahrenheit = obtainTemp ();
if (convertTemp (fahrenheit, &tempR, &tempC,&tempK) == 0) {
    printResult (fahrenheit, tempR, tempC, tempK);
