
时间:2020-02-17 23:40:42

标签: python geopandas folium choropleth

我正在尝试使用通过合并包含巴西所有区域的shapefile(名称为“ map_1”)的shapefile与常规的熊猫数据框(名称为“ amazon_state”)而构建的geopandas数据框,在大叶草地图上添加一个Choropleth图层。合并两个数据框后,我得到的是“ map_2”,在清理(删除一些行)之后,我将其称为“ map_3”。


#importing shapefile map_1, which contains all regions in Brazil

map_1= gpd.read_file("/Users/alexandertankou/Desktop/python/bra_adm1/BRA_adm1.shp")

# creating amazon_state

amazon_state= amazon_data.groupby("state", as_index=False).sum().drop(columns=["year"])

# ensure the naming of regions e in map_1 and amazon_state is the same

map_1.NAME_1= amazon_state.state

#map_2: merging map_1 with amazon_state
map_2= pd.merge (left=map_1, right= amazon_state, left_on="NAME_1", right_on="state", how= "left")

#dropping none useful columns
map_2= map_2.drop(columns=["NAME_0",'HASC_1',"ID_1","ISO","CCN_1","CCA_1","ID_0","TYPE_1","ENGTYPE_1", "NL_NAME_1","VARNAME_1"])

#ploting map_2
map_2.plot(column="number", cmap="YlOrRd",legend=True, figsize= (13,10))

#setting the folium map

m=folium.Map(location= [-22.919882,-43.604392], zoom_start=10)

#making geomery type hashable in python
map_2['geometry'] = map_2['geometry'].apply(lambda x: str(x))

#cleaning up map_2 data
map_3= map_2.iloc[0:23,:]

#add the choropleth layer on folium map

m.choropleth(geo_data= map_3,name="geometry", data= map_3,key_on="",columns=["geometry","number"],fill_color='YlGn')


但是我不断收到 ValueError:无法渲染缺少任何几何形状的对象。使用过isnan和is_empty方法之后,我肯定知道map_3中没有丢失的值(请参见下面的数据),所以不确定我做错了什么:

              NAME_1                                           geometry  \
0               Acre  POLYGON ((-73.33251190185541 -7.32487916946411...   
1            Alagoas  MULTIPOLYGON (((-35.90152740478516 -9.86180496...   
2              Amapa  MULTIPOLYGON (((-50.02402877807612 0.859862029...   
3           Amazonas  POLYGON ((-67.32623291015625 2.029680967331046...   
4              Bahia  MULTIPOLYGON (((-38.69708251953125 -17.9790287...   
5              Ceara  MULTIPOLYGON (((-38.47541809082026 -3.70097303...   
6   Distrito Federal  POLYGON ((-48.03603363037109 -15.5002202987670...   
7     Espirito Santo  MULTIPOLYGON (((-40.88402938842768 -21.1612491...   
8              Goias  POLYGON ((-50.15817260742188 -12.4123792648315...   
9           Maranhao  MULTIPOLYGON (((-42.12374877929688 -2.80069398...   
10       Mato Grosso  POLYGON ((-56.1036376953125 -17.17354011535639...   
11      Minas Gerais  POLYGON ((-57.6052360534668 -8.662846565246525...   
12           Paraiba  POLYGON ((-44.20977783203119 -14.2366542816162...   
13              Par·  MULTIPOLYGON (((-46.43458175659174 -1.01708304...   
14        Pernambuco  MULTIPOLYGON (((-42.87873840332026 -9.29837322...   
15              Piau  MULTIPOLYGON (((-48.63069534301758 -25.8679161...   
16               Rio  MULTIPOLYGON (((-35.13597106933594 -8.83791732...   
17          Rondonia  POLYGON ((-41.81680679321283 -2.74375009536743...   
18           Roraima  MULTIPOLYGON (((-44.67124938964838 -23.3545837...   
19    Santa Catarina  MULTIPOLYGON (((-35.10902786254883 -6.19347190...   
20         Sao Paulo  MULTIPOLYGON (((-52.07069396972656 -32.0284729...   
21           Sergipe  POLYGON ((-63.53470230102539 -7.97433900833129...   
22         Tocantins  POLYGON ((-60.16886138916004 5.226301193237362...   

               state     number  
0               Acre  18464.030  
1            Alagoas   4644.000  
2              Amapa  21831.576  
3           Amazonas  30650.129  
4              Bahia  44746.226  
5              Ceara  30428.063  
6   Distrito Federal   3561.000  
7     Espirito Santo   6546.000  
8              Goias  37695.520  
9           Maranhao  25129.131  
10       Mato Grosso  96246.028  
11      Minas Gerais  37475.258  
12           Paraiba  52435.918  
13              Par·  24512.144  
14        Pernambuco  24498.000  
15              Piau  37803.747  
16               Rio  45160.865  
17          Rondonia  20285.429  
18           Roraima  24385.074  
19    Santa Catarina  24359.852  
20         Sao Paulo  51121.198  
21           Sergipe   3237.000  
22         Tocantins  33707.885

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我有同样的问题。 map_3是地理数据框吗?如果没有,则必须先进行转换:

gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(map_3 , geometry = map_3.geometry) = {'init' :'epsg:4326'}