如何对python pandas中的列进行base64编码和解码?

时间:2020-02-16 23:14:53

标签: python pandas base64


encoding a dataframe


words = pd.read_table("sampleText.txt",names=['word'], header=None)


0   difference
1   where
2   mc
3   is
4   the


words['words_encoded'] = map(lambda x: x.encode('base64','strict'), words['word'])
print (words)


                word                   words_encoded
0         difference  <map object at 0x7fad3e89e410>
1              where  <map object at 0x7fad3e89e410>
2                 mc  <map object at 0x7fad3e89e410>
3                 is  <map object at 0x7fad3e89e410>
4                the  <map object at 0x7fad3e89e410>
...              ...                             ...
999995  distribution  <map object at 0x7fad3e89e410>
999996            in  <map object at 0x7fad3e89e410>
999997      scenario  <map object at 0x7fad3e89e410>
999998          less  <map object at 0x7fad3e89e410>
999999          land  <map object at 0x7fad3e89e410>

[1000000 rows x 2 columns]


b64words = words.word.str.encode('base64')


0        NaN
1        NaN
2        NaN
3        NaN
4        NaN
999995   NaN
999996   NaN
999997   NaN
999998   NaN
999999   NaN
Name: word, Length: 1000000, dtype: float64



import base64
def encode(text):
    return base64.b64encode(text)
words['Encoded_Column'] = [encode(x) for x in words]


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-89-8cf5a6f1f3a9> in <module>
      2 def encode(text):
      3     return base64.b64encode(text)
----> 4 words['Encoded_Column'] = [encode(x) for x in words]

<ipython-input-89-8cf5a6f1f3a9> in <listcomp>(.0)
      2 def encode(text):
      3     return base64.b64encode(text)
----> 4 words['Encoded_Column'] = [encode(x) for x in words]

<ipython-input-89-8cf5a6f1f3a9> in encode(text)
      1 import base64
      2 def encode(text):
----> 3     return base64.b64encode(text)
      4 words['Encoded_Column'] = [encode(x) for x in words]

~/miniconda3/envs/p37cu10.2PyTo/lib/python3.7/base64.py in b64encode(s, altchars)
     56     application to e.g. generate url or filesystem safe Base64 strings.
     57     """
---> 58     encoded = binascii.b2a_base64(s, newline=False)
     59     if altchars is not None:
     60         assert len(altchars) == 2, repr(altchars)

TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'


import base64
def encode(text):
    btext = text.str.encode('utf-8')
    return base64.b64encode(btext)
words['Encoded_Column'] = [encode(x) for x in words]


AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-90-46db6d3688ba> in <module>
      3     btext = text.str.encode('utf-8')
      4     return base64.b64encode(btext)
----> 5 words['Encoded_Column'] = [encode(x) for x in words]

<ipython-input-90-46db6d3688ba> in <listcomp>(.0)
      3     btext = text.str.encode('utf-8')
      4     return base64.b64encode(btext)
----> 5 words['Encoded_Column'] = [encode(x) for x in words]

<ipython-input-90-46db6d3688ba> in encode(text)
      1 import base64
      2 def encode(text):
----> 3     btext = text.str.encode('utf-8')
      4     return base64.b64encode(btext)
      5 words['Encoded_Column'] = [encode(x) for x in words]

AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'str'
this C示例中,


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

map返回一个迭代器,而不是列表,因此pandas只是将其分配给新形成的“ words_encoded”列中的所有插槽。同样,如果您进行了words['all_ones'] = 1,则pandas会在该列下分配1。

第二,“ base64”不是字符串的编解码器,它适用于bytes。您必须选择一种文本编码,然后再对其进行编码。所以,

words['word_encoded'] = words.word.str.encode(
    'utf-8', 'strict').str.encode('base64')

起作用,除了此编码器在base64字符串的末尾添加“ \ n”(我觉得很奇怪)。相反,您可以执行以下任一操作

words['word_encoded'] = words.word.str.encode(
    'utf-8', 'strict').apply(

# or 

words['word_encoded'] = [base64.b64encode(x.encode('utf-8', 'strict'))
    for x in words.word]



>>> import base64
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> words = pd.read_table("sampleText.txt",names=['word'], header=None)
__main__:1: FutureWarning: read_table is deprecated, use read_csv instead, passing sep='\t'.
>>> words['word_encoded'] = words.word.str.encode(
...     'utf-8', 'strict').str.encode('base64')
>>> words
         word           word_encoded
0  difference  b'ZGlmZmVyZW5jZQ==\n'
1       where          b'd2hlcmU=\n'
2          mc              b'bWM=\n'
3          is              b'aXM=\n'
4         the              b'dGhl\n'
>>> words['word_encoded'] = words.word.str.encode(
...     'utf-8', 'strict').apply(
...          base64.b64encode)
>>> words
         word         word_encoded
0  difference  b'ZGlmZmVyZW5jZQ=='
1       where          b'd2hlcmU='
2          mc              b'bWM='
3          is              b'aXM='
4         the              b'dGhl'
>>> words['word_encoded'] = [base64.b64encode(x.encode('utf-8', 'strict'))
...     for x in words.word]
>>> words
         word         word_encoded
0  difference  b'ZGlmZmVyZW5jZQ=='
1       where          b'd2hlcmU='
2          mc              b'bWM='
3          is              b'aXM='
4         the              b'dGhl'

答案 1 :(得分:0)

只需从函数主体中删除.str。 真实代码:

import base64

def encode(text):
    btext = text.encode('utf-8')
    return base64.b64encode(btext)

words = {'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, 'asdasd': 4}
words['Encoded_Column'] = [encode(x) for x in words]


{'1': 1, '2': 2, '3': 3, 'asdasd': 4, 'Encoded_Column': [b'MQ==', b'Mg==', b'Mw==', b'YXNkYXNk']}