
时间:2020-02-15 23:05:44

标签: python pandas dataframe pandas-groupby

可怕的标题,但是来了。我有一个13,000 x 91数据框。列中的26是数字。这些行是单个项目,项目绩效按年份划分。像这样:

| Year | Control | Description   | USD_Cost | USD_Profit |
| 1991 | A1      | A description | 1        | 2          |
| 1992 | A1      | A Description | 100      | 300        |
| 1991 | B1      | B Description | 3        | 50         |
| 1995 | C1      | C Description | 5        | 10         |
| 1990 | D1      | D Description | 2        | 1          |
| 1996 | D1      | D Description | 1        | 1          |


| Years | Control | Description   | USD_Cost | USDProfit |
| 2     | A1      | A description | 101      | 302       |
| 1     | B1      | B Description | 3        | 50        |
| 1     | C1      | C Description | 5        | 10        |
| 2     | D1      | D Description | 3        | 2         |


我知道如何对一个元素(例如print(dft.groupby(['Control'])['USD_Cost', 'USD_Profit'].sum() ))进行分组,但是当我这样做时,我想我会丢失所有非数字列。此外,我想避免输入全部26个名称美元列。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


columns = list(filter(lambda x:'USD'in x,df.columns))
df.groupby([[Control],'Description'])[columns] .sum()

这将为您带来按 Control,Description 分组的所有列。这对您的工作没有问题,所以我认为这是最好的方法。

答案 1 :(得分:1)

所以我的解决方案是按“控件”分组,然后对每个组应用一个函数,该函数从第一行获取所有非数字数据(我假设非数字数据的所有行都相同) ,但取所有数字数据的总和。由于您不想将年数相加,因此将单独对待年。


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def sum_project(project):
    # Since only numeric data and years are different,
    # we just take the first row
    project_summed = project.iloc[0, :]

    # sum all numeric data but exclude "Year"
    cols_numeric = project.select_dtypes([np.number]).columns
    cols_numeric = cols_numeric.drop(["Year"])
    project_summed[cols_numeric] = project[cols_numeric].sum()

    # Get year number
    project_summed["Year"] = len(project)

    return project_summed

df = pd.DataFrame({
    "Year": [1991, 1992, 1991, 1995, 1990, 1996],
    "Control": ["A1", "A1", "B1", "C1", "D1", "D1"],
    "Description": [
        "A description",
        "A description",
        "B description",
        "C description",
        "D description",
        "D description"
    "USD_Cost": [1, 100, 3, 5, 2, 1],
    "USD_Profit": [2, 300, 50, 10, 1, 1],

findal_df = df.groupby(["Control"]).apply(sum_project)


         Year Control    Description  USD_Cost  USD_Profit
A1          2      A1  A description       101         302
B1          1      B1  B description         3          50
C1          1      C1  C description         5          10
D1          2      D1  D description         3           2

答案 2 :(得分:1)



df = pd.DataFrame({
    "Year": [1991, 1992, 1991, 1995, 1990, 1996],
    "Control": ["A1", "A1", "B1", "C1", "D1", "D1"],
    "Description": [
        "A description",
        "A description",
        "B description",
        "C description",
        "D description",
        "D description"
    "USD_Cost": [1, 100, 3, 5, 2, 1],
    "USD_Profit": [2, 300, 50, 10, 1, 1],

actions = {'Year': pd.Series.nunique,
           'Description': lambda x: x.iloc[0]}
actions.update({x: sum for x in df.columns if x.startswith('USD_')})



  Control  Year    Description  USD_Cost  USD_Profit
0      A1     2  A description       101         302
1      B1     1  B description         3          50
2      C1     1  C description         5          10
3      D1     2  D description         3           2