
时间:2020-02-12 00:42:25

标签: apache-spark pyspark apache-spark-sql pyspark-dataframes


|customer_id|age             |post_code    |
|       1001|              50|   BS32 0HW  |


useful_info = 'Customer [customer_id] is [age] years old and lives at [post_code].'


现在,我需要添加useful_info列,但要替换为列值,即 预期的数据帧将是:

[Row(customer_id='1001', age=50, post_code='BS32 0HW', useful_info='Customer 1001 is 50 years old and lives at BS32 0HW.')]


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

这是使用regexp_replace函数的一种方法。您可以在useful_info字符串列中包含要替换的列 并构建一个像这样的表达式列:

df = spark.createDataFrame([(1001, 50, "BS32 0HW")], ["customer_id", "age", "post_code"])

list_columns_replace = ["customer_id", "age", "post_code"]

# replace first column in the string
to_replace = f"\\\\[{list_columns_replace[0]}\\\\]"
replace_expr = f"regexp_replace(useful_info, '{to_replace}', {list_columns_replace[0]})"

# loop through other columns to replace and update replacement expression
for c in list_columns_replace[1:]:
    to_replace = f"\\\\[{c}\\\\]"
    replace_expr = f"regexp_replace({replace_expr}, '{to_replace}', {c})"

# add new column 
df.withColumn("useful_info", lit("Customer [customer_id] is [age] years old and lives at [post_code].")) \
  .withColumn("useful_info", expr(replace_expr)) \
  .show(1, False)

#|customer_id|age|post_code|useful_info                                         |
#|1001       |50 |BS32 0HW |Customer 1001 is 50 years old and lives at BS32 0HW.|

答案 1 :(得分:1)



(1)我写了一个UDF,其中我正在使用regex。如果列名中还有underscore (_)之类的特殊字符,则还要在正则表达式中包括该字符。

(2)所有逻辑均基于Info包含列名为[column name]的模式。如果有其他任何模式,请更新正则表达式。

>>> from pyspark.sql.functions import *
>>> import re
|customer_id|age|post_code|Info                                                                  |
|1001       |50 |BS32 0HW | Customer [customer_id] is [age] years old and lives at [post_code].  |
|1002       |39 |AQ74 0TH | Age of Customer '[customer_id]' is [age] and he lives at [post_code].|
|1003       |25 |RT23 0YJ | Customer [customer_id] lives at [post_code]. He is [age] years old.  |

>>> def evaluateExpr(Info,data):
...     matchpattern = re.findall(r"\[([A-Za-z0-9_ ]+)\]", Info)
...     out = Info
...     for x in matchpattern:
...                     out = out.replace("[" + x + "]", data[x])
...     return out
>>> evalExprUDF = udf(evaluateExpr)
>>> df.withColumn("Info", evalExprUDF(col("Info"),struct([df[x] for x in df.columns]))).show(10,False)
|customer_id|age|post_code|Info                                                   |
|1001       |50 |BS32 0HW | Customer 1001 is 50 years old and lives at BS32 0HW.  |
|1002       |39 |AQ74 0TH | Age of Customer '1002' is 39 and he lives at AQ74 0TH.|
|1003       |25 |RT23 0YJ | Customer 1003 lives at RT23 0YJ. He is 25 years old.  |