我正在尝试使用numba加速以下代码,但未能取得进展。 代码在这里:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import math
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema
from numba import njit, jit
def midmax_idx(array):
if len(array) == 0:
return None
# Find candidate maxima
maxima_idxs = np.argwhere(array == np.amax(array))[:,0]
if len(maxima_idxs) == 1:
return maxima_idxs[0]
elif len(maxima_idxs) <= 1:
return None
# Find the distances from the midpoint to find
# the maxima with the least distance
midpoint = len(array) / 2
v_norm = np.vectorize(np.linalg.norm)
maximum_idx = np.argmin(v_norm(maxima_idxs - midpoint))
return maxima_idxs[maximum_idx]
class MarketProfile(object):
def __init__(self, df, **kwargs):
self.df = df
self.tick_size = kwargs.pop('tick_size', 0.05)
self.prices_per_row = kwargs.pop('prices_per_row', 1)
self.row_size = kwargs.pop('row_size', self.tick_size * self.prices_per_row)
self.open_range_delta = kwargs.pop('open_range_size', pd.to_timedelta('10 minutes'))
self.initial_balance_delta = kwargs.pop('initial_balance_delta', pd.to_timedelta('1 hour'))
self.value_area_pct = kwargs.pop('value_area_pct', 0.70)
self.mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 'vol') # or tpo
def __getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, slice):
return MarketProfileSlice(self, slice(index.start, index.stop))
raise TypeError("index must be int or slice")
def round_to_row(self, x):
if np.isnan(np.float64(x)):
return x
roundoff = 1 / float(self.row_size)
return math.ceil(float(x) * roundoff) / roundoff
class MarketProfileSlice(object):
def __init__(self, market_profile, _slice):
self.mp = market_profile
self.ds = self.mp.df[_slice]
def open_range(self):
end = self.ds.iloc[0].name + self.mp.open_range_delta
ds = self.ds.loc[:end]
return np.min(ds['Low']), np.max(ds['High'])
def initial_balance(self):
end = self.ds.iloc[0].name + self.mp.initial_balance_delta
ds = self.ds.loc[:end]
return np.min(ds['Low']), np.max(ds['High'])
def calculate_value_area(self):
target_vol = self.total_volume * self.mp.value_area_pct
trial_vol = self.poc_volume
min_idx = self.poc_idx
max_idx = self.poc_idx
while trial_vol <= target_vol:
last_min = min_idx
last_max = max_idx
next_min_idx = np.clip(min_idx - 1, 0, len(self.profile) - 1)
next_max_idx = np.clip(max_idx + 1, 0, len(self.profile) - 1)
low_volume = self.profile.iloc[next_min_idx] if next_min_idx != last_min else None
high_volume = self.profile.iloc[next_max_idx] if next_max_idx != last_max else None
if not high_volume or (low_volume and low_volume > high_volume):
trial_vol += low_volume
min_idx = next_min_idx
elif not low_volume or (high_volume and low_volume <= high_volume):
trial_vol += high_volume
max_idx = next_max_idx
return self.profile.index[min_idx], self.profile.index[max_idx]
def calculate_balanced_target(self):
area_above_poc = self.profile.index.max() - self.poc_price
area_below_poc = self.poc_price - self.profile.index.min()
if area_above_poc >= area_below_poc:
bt = self.poc_price - area_above_poc
bt = self.poc_price + area_below_poc
return bt
def find_extrema(self, sign):
(extrema_idx,) = argrelextrema(self.profile.values, sign)
return self.profile.iloc[extrema_idx.tolist()]
# Calculate the market profile distribution (histogram)
# http://eminimind.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-market-profile/
def build_profile(self):
rounded_set = self.ds['Close'].apply(lambda x: self.mp.round_to_row(x))
if self.mp.mode == 'tpo':
self.profile = self.ds.groupby(rounded_set)['Close'].count()
elif self.mp.mode == 'vol':
self.profile = self.ds.groupby(rounded_set)['Volume'].sum()
raise ValueError("Unrecognized mode: %s" % self.mp.mode)
self.total_volume = self.profile.sum()
self.profile_range = self.profile.index.min(), self.profile.index.max()
self.poc_idx = midmax_idx(self.profile.values.tolist())
if self.poc_idx is not None:
self.poc_volume = self.profile.iloc[self.poc_idx]
self.poc_price = self.profile.index[self.poc_idx]
self.value_area = self.calculate_value_area()
self.balanced_target = self.calculate_balanced_target()
self.poc_volume = None
self.poc_price = None
self.value_area = [None, None]
self.balanced_target = None
self.low_value_nodes = self.find_extrema(np.less)
self.high_value_nodes = self.find_extrema(np.greater)
def as_dict(self):
ib_low, ib_high = self.initial_balance()
or_low, or_high = self.open_range()
profile_low, profile_high = self.profile_range
val, vah = self.value_area
'or_low': or_low,
'or_high': or_high,
'ib_low': ib_low,
'ib_high': ib_high,
'poc': self.poc_price,
'low': profile_low,
'high': profile_high,
'val': val,
'vah': vah,
'bt': self.balanced_target,
'lvn': self.low_value_nodes,
'hvn': self.high_value_nodes
<ipython-input-24-551fcebf507c>:63: NumbaWarning:
Compilation is falling back to object mode WITH looplifting enabled because Function "open_range" n failed type inference due to: non-precise type pyobject [1] During: typing of argument at <ipython-input-24-551fcebf507c> (65)