“ juju bootstrap localhost”配置花费了很长时间

时间:2020-02-03 07:51:47

标签: ubuntu juju

我在Ubuntu 18.04 LTS VPS上设置juju bootstrap localhost时遇到问题。我已经在另一台机器上完成了相同的配置,并且效果很好。

我的VPS信息是 94 GB RAM 480 GB SSD RAID 5

在我updateupgrade的VPS之后,我遵循迷人的kubernetes 文档中的命令:

sudo apt purge liblxc1 lxcfs lxd lxd-client
sudo snap install lxd
lxd init --auto
lxc network set lxdbr0 ipv6.address none
sudo swapoff -a
sudo usermod -a -G lxd $USER


sudo snap install juju --classic
juju bootstrap localhost


Creating Juju controller "localhost-localhost" on localhost/localhost
Looking for packaged Juju agent version 2.7.1 for amd64
To configure your system to better support LXD containers, please see: https://github.com/lxc/lxd/blob/master/doc/production-setup.md
Launching controller instance(s) on localhost/localhost...
 - juju-0079d6-0 (arch=amd64)
Installing Juju agent on bootstrap instance
Fetching Juju GUI 2.15.0
Waiting for address
Attempting to connect to
Connected to
Running machine configuration script...

我等了一个半小时!!但是什么都没发生!之后,我尝试使用ctrl + c取消安装:

Interrupt signalled: waiting for bootstrap to exit
Bootstrap agent now started
Contacting Juju controller at to verify accessibility...
ERROR unable to contact api server after 1 attempts: unable to connect to API: dial tcp connect: connection refused


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