我正在尝试在此虚拟环境中为车辆导航。我使用别人的a *算法来找到最短路径。代码似乎没有问题,但是我想完成两件事: 1。如何在车辆移动到新节点时添加刻度线?和 2。如何使车辆同时移动?
extensions [nw]
; In this case, we will work with turtles, not patches.
; Specifically with two types of turtles
breed[nodes node] ; to represent the nodes of the network
breed[searchers searcher] ; to represent the agents that will make the search
breed[cars car]
links-own [ weight ]
; Searchers will have som additional properties for their functioning.
searchers-own [
memory ; Stores the path from the start node to here
cost ; Stores the real cost from the start
total-expected-cost ; Stores the total exepcted cost from Start to the Goal that is being computed
localization ; The node where the searcher is
active? ; is the seacrher active? That is, we have reached the node, but
; we must consider it because its neighbors have not been explored
cars-own [
; Setup procedure: simply create the geometric network based on the number of random located nodes
; and the maximum radius to connect two any nodes of the network
to setup
create-nodes Num-nodes [
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set shape "circle"
set size .5
set color blue]
ask nodes [
create-links-with other nodes in-radius radius]
create-cars 2 [
set shape "car"
set color one-of base-colors
set size 2
set myFN 0
ask nodes [set color blue set size .5]
ask links with [color = yellow][set color grey set thickness 0]
ask cars [
set origin one-of nodes
move-to origin
let start [origin] of cars
let goal max-one-of other nodes [distance myself]
set destination goal
ask goal [set color [color] of myself set size 1]
set myFN distance goal
to move1
ask cars [
; Randomly choose a target node to walk to
let target max-one-of other nodes [distance myself]
if target != nobody [
; Remember the starting node
let current one-of nodes-here
; Define a path variable from the current node- take all but
; the first item (as first item is current node)
let path nobody
ask links [ set weight link-length ]
ask current [
set path but-first nw:turtles-on-weighted-path-to target weight
print path
; Indicate the end node
ask last path [
set color red
set size 2.5
; Move along the path node-to-node
foreach path [
next-target ->
face next-target
move-to next-target
wait .1
ask next-target [
set color yellow
;wait .1
; Reset
ask nodes [ set color blue ]
ask one-of nodes-here [ set color green ]