
时间:2020-01-21 03:09:22

标签: javascript sqlite discord discord.js

我正在使用Discord.js在Discord Bot上创建氏族系统。


if (clans) return message.channel.send(`**NateBot |** **Error Whilst Creating Clan** ❌\n\n*The Clan with the name **\`${name}\`** already exists!*`);


if (!clans) return message.channel.send(`**NateBot |** **You are already in a Clan silly!** ❌\n\n*Possible reasons are because you're either the Owner of this clan or you are a member of the existing clan you joined.*`);

完整代码: createclan.js

const Discord = require('discord.js');
const db = require(`quick.db`)
const moment = require("moment");

exports.run = async (client, message, args, color) => {

  let name = args.splice(0).join(" ")
       if (!name) return message.channel.send("**NateBot |** You must specify a Clan Name ")
         if (message.author.bot) return message.channel.send(`**NateBot |** **Bots cannot use the Clans System!**`)

  let clanowner = message.author.username
  let clanownerid = message.author.id
  let clanowneravatar = message.author.displayAvatarURL
  let clanownertag = message.author.tag

  let names = name
  let date = moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a')

  let clans = await db.fetch(`customclans_${name}`)

    if (clans) return message.channel.send(`**NateBot |** **Error Whilst Creating Clan** ❌\n\n*The Clan with the name **\`${name}\`** already exists!*`);
 if (!clans) return message.channel.send(`**NateBot |** **You are already in a Clan!** ❌\n\n*Possible reasons are because you're either the Owner of this clan or you are a member of the existing clan you joined.*`);

        db.set(`customclans_${name}.name`, names) // Name of Clan
        db.set(`customclans_${name}.clanowner`, clanowner) // Owner of Clan
        db.set(`customclans_${name}.clanownerid`, clanownerid) // Owner ID of Clan
        db.set(`customclans_${name}.clanownertag`, clanownertag) // Owner ID of Clan
        db.set(`customclans_${name}.clanowneravatar`, clanowneravatar) // Owner Avatar of Clan user.tag
        db.set(`customclans_${name}.date`, date) //Date clan was created

        let embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
        .setTitle(`**Custom Clans**`)
        .setDescription(`**You created a Clan!** ✅\n\n**Tag Name »** ${name}\n*View your clan with **n!claninfo***`)
        .setFooter(`Note: Clans are Global across servers.`)



exports.conf = {
    aliases: ['setbio'],
    cooldown: "10"

exports.help = {
    name: "setinfo",
    description: "Set your info then tell your friends about you",
    usage: "setinfo <text>"


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