我是Blazor页面的新手。我正在尝试制作一个页面来编辑客户数据。 客户对象具有phonenumbers(string)的列表,因为大多数对象都有固定电话和手机。 我似乎找不到一种将其放入editform中的方法。我尝试使用foreach循环,但无法绑定到此循环。 我还尝试在循环中使用本地副本并绑定到该副本。那行得通,但是按下提交按钮后我无法检索更改。 我究竟做错了什么 ?这样做的正确方法是什么?我似乎找不到任何涵盖此内容的教程。
public class Customer
public string Name { get; set; }
// arbitrary extra fields
public List<string> phoneNumber { get; set; }
public class CustomerService
Customer jeff;
public CustomerService()
jeff = new Customer
Name = "Jeff",
phoneNumber = new List<string> { "123456", "654321" },
public Customer getCustomer()
return jeff;
public void setCustomer(Customer cust)
jeff = cust;
<EditForm Model="@customer" OnSubmit="@submitChanges">
<InputText id="name" @bind-Value="@customer.Name" /><br/>
<!-- How do i link the multiple phonenumbers-->
@foreach(string phone in customer.phoneNumber)
//this does not compile
//<InputText @bind-Value="@phone"/>
//this compiles but i can't find how to acces the data afterward ???
string temp = phone;
<InputText @bind-Value="@temp"/>
@for(int i=0;i<customer.phoneNumber.Count();i++)
//this compiles but chrashed at page load
// <InputText @bind-Value="@customer.phoneNumer[i]"/>
<button type="submit">submit</button>
@code {
Customer customer;
protected override void OnInitialized()
customer = _data.getCustomer();
private void submitChanges()
答案 0 :(得分:2)
@Wolf,今天我读到了ObjectGraphDataAnnotationsValidator,它代替了 DataAnnotationsValidator 组件
验证绑定模型的整个对象图,包括 集合类型和复杂类型的属性
@page "/"
@using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Forms
@using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
<EditForm Model="@customer" OnSubmit="@submitChanges">
<DataAnnotationsValidator />
<InputText id="name" @bind-Value="customer.Name" /><br />
@foreach (var phone in customer.phones)
<InputText @bind-Value="phone.PhoneNumber" />
<button type="submit">submit</button>
<p>Edit customer</p>
@foreach (var phone in customer.phones)
@code {
Customer customer;
protected override void OnInitialized()
customer = new Customer();
private void submitChanges()
// _data.setCustomer(customer);
public class Customer
public string Name { get; set; } = "jeff";
public List<Phone> phones { get; } = new List<Phone>() { new Phone
{PhoneNumber = "123456" }, new Phone {PhoneNumber = "654321" }};
public class Phone
public string PhoneNumber { get; set; }