
时间:2020-01-16 13:26:32

标签: kubernetes kubectl

我已经在本地集群上成功部署了weavscope,可以访问weavscope仪表板。 问题在于仪表板没有显示任何数据,而是仅显示了一个空白屏幕,如下所示(测试了所有标签和视图)



    $ kubectl get all
    NAME                          READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/busybox-c44c795b6-c424g   1/1     Running   0          16s
    pod/nginx-86c57db685-znqh2    1/1     Running   0          3d1h

    NAME                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
    service/kubernetes   ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP   3d4h

    NAME                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/busybox   1/1     1            1           16s
    deployment.apps/nginx     1/1     1            1           3d1h

    NAME                                DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/busybox-c44c795b6   1         1         1       16s
    replicaset.apps/nginx-86c57db685    1         1         1       3d1h

**More Logs** 

$ kubectl get pods -n weave
NAME                                        READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
weave-scope-agent-cshjf                     1/1     Running   0          59m
weave-scope-agent-ddcjv                     1/1     Running   0          59m
weave-scope-agent-krt6t                     1/1     Running   0          59m
weave-scope-agent-pvjcg                     1/1     Running   0          59m
weave-scope-app-848cd4d8b5-22qhv            1/1     Running   0          59m
weave-scope-cluster-agent-b4f45797c-sxtfb   1/1     Running   0          59m

    $ kubectl -n weave logs weave-scope-app-848cd4d8b5-22qhv
<app> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:42.641840 app starting, version 1.12.0, ID 27b9ceab0b49f8d7
<app> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:42.641879 command line args: --mode=app
<app> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:42.643881 Basic authentication disabled
<app> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:42.645552 listening on :4040

$ kubectl -n weave logs weave-scope-agent-cshjf
time="2020-01-16T12:55:33Z" level=info msg="publishing to: weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local:80"
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:33.746901 Basic authentication disabled
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:56:13.749823 command line args: --mode=probe --probe-only=true --probe.docker=true --probe.docker.bridge=docker0 --probe.kubernetes.role=host --probe.publish.interval=4.5s --probe.spy.interval=2s weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local:80
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:56:13.749871 probe starting, version 1.12.0, ID 1a14cbb93863dc96
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:13.751629 Cannot resolve 'scope.weave.local.': dial tcp connect: connection refused
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:14.144400 Error collecting weave status, backing off 10s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:24.144816 Error collecting weave status, backing off 20s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:56:43.814003 Error checking version: Get https://checkpoint-api.weave.works/v1/check/scope-probe?arch=amd64&flag_kernel-version=4.4.0-169-generic&flag_kubernetes_enabled=true&flag_os=linux&os=linux&signature=2irqD0pagYmnL6vzwsw6tNzZ2ASN1WIgEfUhtKbaJNM%3D&version=1.12.0: dial tcp: i/o timeout
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:44.145328 Error collecting weave status, backing off 40s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:53.752597 Cannot resolve 'weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local': lookup weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local on read udp> i/o timeout
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:57:13.904958 Error checking version: Get https://checkpoint-api.weave.works/v1/check/scope-probe?arch=amd64&flag_kernel-version=4.4.0-169-generic&flag_kubernetes_enabled=true&flag_os=linux&os=linux&signature=2irqD0pagYmnL6vzwsw6tNzZ2ASN1WIgEfUhtKbaJNM%3D&version=1.12.0: dial tcp: i/o timeout

$ kubectl -n weave logs weave-scope-agent-ddcjv
time="2020-01-16T12:55:26Z" level=info msg="publishing to: weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local:80"
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:26.417234 Basic authentication disabled
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:56:06.420120 command line args: --mode=probe --probe-only=true --probe.docker=true --probe.docker.bridge=docker0 --probe.kubernetes.role=host --probe.publish.interval=4.5s --probe.spy.interval=2s weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local:80
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:56:06.420160 probe starting, version 1.12.0, ID 5bee7195c53ead34
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:06.422164 Cannot resolve 'scope.weave.local.': dial tcp connect: connection refused
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:06.810258 Error collecting weave status, backing off 10s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:16.810782 Error collecting weave status, backing off 20s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:56:36.500739 Error checking version: Get https://checkpoint-api.weave.works/v1/check/scope-probe?arch=amd64&flag_kernel-version=4.4.0-169-generic&flag_kubernetes_enabled=true&flag_os=linux&os=linux&signature=4MV4m5TneqzOVfI9lTdXt8Lmjj0RBnU5u85Dx%2BO4cZ4%3D&version=1.12.0: dial tcp: i/o timeout
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:36.811255 Error collecting weave status, backing off 40s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:46.423041 Cannot resolve 'weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local': lookup weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local on read udp> i/o timeout
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:57:06.564171 Error checking version: Get https://checkpoint-api.weave.works/v1/check/scope-probe?arch=amd64&flag_kernel-version=4.4.0-169-generic&flag_kubernetes_enabled=true&flag_os=linux&os=linux&signature=4MV4m5TneqzOVfI9lTdXt8Lmjj0RBnU5u85Dx%2BO4cZ4%3D&version=1.12.0: dial tcp: i/o timeout

$ kubectl -n weave logs weave-scope-agent-krt6t
time="2020-01-16T12:55:20Z" level=info msg="publishing to: weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local:80"
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:20.078069 Basic authentication disabled
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:20.081051 command line args: --mode=probe --probe-only=true --probe.docker=true --probe.docker.bridge=docker0 --probe.kubernetes.role=host --probe.publish.interval=4.5s --probe.spy.interval=2s weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local:80
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:20.081100 probe starting, version 1.12.0, ID 30049d92f78e0dd8
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:55:20.082543 Cannot resolve 'scope.weave.local.': dial tcp connect: connection refused
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:55:20.427313 Error collecting weave status, backing off 10s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:55:21.084863 Error fetching app details: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:55:23.084173 Error fetching app details: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:55:25.084261 Error fetching app details: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:55:29.084329 Error fetching app details: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:55:30.427831 Error collecting weave status, backing off 20s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:55:37.084216 Error fetching app details: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:49.089567 Control connection to weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local starting
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:55:50.428409 Error collecting weave status, backing off 40s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:51.938293 Publish loop for weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local starting

$ kubectl -n weave logs weave-scope-agent-pvjcg
time="2020-01-16T12:55:33Z" level=info msg="publishing to: weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local:80"
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:33.880079 Basic authentication disabled
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:56:13.883365 command line args: --mode=probe --probe-only=true --probe.docker=true --probe.docker.bridge=docker0 --probe.kubernetes.role=host --probe.publish.interval=4.5s --probe.spy.interval=2s weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local:80
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:56:13.883410 probe starting, version 1.12.0, ID 4c0cce1880a52ef8
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:13.884834 Cannot resolve 'scope.weave.local.': dial tcp connect: connection refused
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:14.240728 Error collecting weave status, backing off 10s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:24.241188 Error collecting weave status, backing off 20s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:56:43.949173 Error checking version: Get https://checkpoint-api.weave.works/v1/check/scope-probe?arch=amd64&flag_kernel-version=4.4.0-169-generic&flag_kubernetes_enabled=true&flag_os=linux&os=linux&signature=e%2FbJ2Qy32Xq3WG0vkozjYngRMp%2B028dfFox%2F9vTLd%2BQ%3D&version=1.12.0: dial tcp: i/o timeout
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:44.241645 Error collecting weave status, backing off 40s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:53.885827 Cannot resolve 'weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local': lookup weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local on read udp> i/o timeout
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:57:14.014110 Error checking version: Get https://checkpoint-api.weave.works/v1/check/scope-probe?arch=amd64&flag_kernel-version=4.4.0-169-generic&flag_kubernetes_enabled=true&flag_os=linux&os=linux&signature=e%2FbJ2Qy32Xq3WG0vkozjYngRMp%2B028dfFox%2F9vTLd%2BQ%3D&version=1.12.0: dial tcp: i/o timeout

$ kubectl -n weave logs weave-scope-cluster-agent-b4f45797c-sxtfb
time="2020-01-16T12:55:38Z" level=info msg="publishing to: weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local:80"
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:38.759547 Basic authentication disabled
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:38.763837 command line args: --mode=probe --probe-only=true --probe.http.listen=:4041 --probe.kubernetes.role=cluster --probe.publish.interval=4.5s --probe.spy.interval=2s weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local:80
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:38.763869 probe starting, version 1.12.0, ID 41240071be33a064
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:55:38.763946 Error getting docker bridge ip: route ip+net: no such network interface
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:38.765521 kubernetes: targeting api server
<probe> ERRO: 2020/01/16 12:55:38.768123 plugins: problem loading: no such file or directory
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:38.769589 Profiling data being exported to :4041
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:38.769606 go tool pprof http://:4041/debug/pprof/{profile,heap,block}
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:55:38.770504 Error collecting weave status, backing off 10s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:38.785340 volumesnapshots are not supported by this Kubernetes version
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:38.790283 volumesnapshotdatas are not supported by this Kubernetes version
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:39.774173 Control connection to weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local starting
<probe> INFO: 2020/01/16 12:55:43.271912 Publish loop for weave-scope-app.weave.svc.cluster.local starting
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:55:48.771005 Error collecting weave status, backing off 20s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.
<probe> WARN: 2020/01/16 12:56:08.771352 Error collecting weave status, backing off 40s: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused. If you are not running Weave Net, you may wish to suppress this warning by launching scope with the `--weave=false` option.


No data on weavescope Dashboard



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