Swift 5动态调度未按预期进行路由

时间:2020-01-10 02:34:29

标签: swift generics swift-protocols dynamic-dispatch



/// Command executor for HTTP transports
class HttpExecutor: Executor {
    func execute<T: Command>(command: T) {
        print("Not a valid HttpCommand")

    func execute<T: HttpCommand>(command: T) {

/// Simple function, using generic to allow the compiler to infer the same types
/// as those inferred in the constant declarations below.
func performWithExecutor<E: Executor, C: Command>(_ executor: E, command: C) {
    executor.execute(command: cmd)

// Create command and executor
let cmd = MyCommand()
let httpExecutor = HttpExecutor()

// 1.
// Will output "HttpCommand" (expected)
httpExecutor.execute(command: cmd)

// 2.
// Will output "Not a valid HttpCommand" (unexpected)
performWithExecutor(httpExecutor, command: cmd)

// 3.
let executor: Executor = httpExecutor

// Will output "Not a valid HttpCommand" (expected, not desirable)
executor.execute(command: cmd)






import Foundation

// MARK: - Command

/// Basic of all Sonos API commands
public protocol Command {
    associatedtype Request: Encodable
    associatedtype Response: Decodable

    var name: String { get }
    var message: Self.Request? { get }

/// A HTTP version of a command
public protocol HttpCommand: Command {
    var httpMethod: String { get }

// MARK: - Executor

/// Command executor
protocol Executor {
    func execute<T: Command>(command: T)

// MARK: -

/// Command to return the groups of a Sonos household
public struct MyCommand: HttpCommand {
    public struct Request: Encodable { }
    public struct Response: Decodable {
        public var items: [String]

    public init() { }

    public var name: String = "items"
    public var message: Request?
    public var httpMethod: String { "GET" }

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