我已经搜索了如何在图像标签的顶部显示文本,但是有一点缺点,它不能完全显示在我正在寻找的位置(在这种情况下,标签的左上方)。 / p>
This is the current label i am working on and how it is displayed.
我在同一标签中尝试将锚和复合材料一起使用,但似乎没有任何新功能 文本仍保留在中间。
'''Adjusting the information frame'''
self.image_info = PhotoImage(file=locate_images("_info_panel", ""))
self.label_text_info = "• Welcome to Agony,\nto play or read the rules please go to File"
self.label_info = Label(self.info, text=self.label_text_info, font=10, image=self.image_info, compound=CENTER, anchor=NW)
self.label_info.grid(row=0, column=0)
编辑: 如果我尝试添加除compound = CENTER以外的其他任何内容,则文本将显示在指定边上图像的边界框之外。
'''Adjusting the information frame'''
self.image_info = PhotoImage(file=locate_images("_info_panel", ""))
self.label_text_info = "• Welcome to Agony,\nto start the game or read the rules please go to File"
self.canvas_info = Canvas(self.info, width=300, height=600)
self.canvas_info.create_image((0, 0), image=self.image_info, anchor=NW)
self.canvas_info.create_text((140, 25), text=self.label_text_info)
self.canvas_info.grid(row=0, column=0)