
时间:2020-01-03 15:49:38

标签: windows powershell user-profile

我已经创建了我的第一个PowerShell脚本来批量删除用户配置文件。在大多数情况下,它运行良好,但是偶尔会遗留下一些运行Get-CimInstance win32_UserProfile时在Powershell中找不到的配置文件。



# Grab all the user profiles and ignore anything in our exceptions
$Profiles = Get-CimInstance Win32_UserProfile | where {((!$_.Special) -and ($_.LocalPath -ne "C:\Users\Administrator") -and ($_.LocalPath -ne "C:\Users\admin1") -and ($_.LocalPath -ne "C:\Users\admin2") -and ($_.LocalPath -ne "C:\Users\admin3") -and ($_.LocalPath -ne "C:\Users\admin4"))}

# Get the number of profiles to use in -PercentComplete
$ProfilesCount = $Profiles.Count 

# This for loop iterates through profiles and deletes them as well as creates our progress bar
Function ProfilesB-Gone 
    for ($i = 1; $i -lt $ProfilesCount; $i++)
        # Our progress bar is generated and updated 
        Write-Progress -Activity 'Removing Profiles' -Status "Deleted $i out of $ProfilesCount profiles" -PercentComplete (($i/$ProfilesCount) * 100) 

        # Here we're suppressing errors and continuing while deleting our profiles 
        Remove-CimInstance $Profiles[$i] -EV Err -EA SilentlyContinue 
    # Remove progress bar once complete
    Write-Progress -Activity 'Removing Profiles' -Status 'Complete!' -Completed

# Call function

# Remove all leftover profiles that remain ocasionally due to noncritical and inconsistent bug and suppress errors. Not suppressing errors causes as many error windows to show as there were $ProfilesCount.
$Profiles | Remove-CimInstance -EV Err -EA SilentlyContinue 

# Give success message to inform user of script completion
Write-Host "Profiles Deleted!"

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win10应用程序(MicrosoftOfficeHub)产生了无法正常删除的奇怪链接。当powershell和wmi不起作用时,仍可以使用类似cmd /c rmdir /s /q c:\users\user的东西。 How to remove user profile completely from the Windows 10 computer?