正则表达式:如何匹配包含“ something”的行,但排除以“ a”开头的行,即使它们包含“ something”(区分大小写)?

时间:2019-12-27 14:33:49

标签: regex grep



This line contains something
This one doesn't
And this one shouldn't match, even if it contains something
Also, this one shouldn't match
Something is included here
Here's something else
and finally, a lower case a. Now that's something.


polar@UBFF:~$ tail -fn20 temp.txt | grep "[sS]omething"
This line contains something
And this one shouldn't match, even if it contains something
Something is included here
Here's something else
and finally, a lower case a. Now that's something.

那么,有人可以告诉我如何修改这个非常简单的正则表达式,以排除以“ a”或“ A”开头的行,即使它们包含“ something”?

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