
时间:2011-05-10 12:16:53

标签: sorting haskell memory-management lazy-evaluation



{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Main where

import qualified Data.Heap as Heap
import qualified Data.List as List

import System.Random.MWC
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Vec

import System.Environment

limitSortL n xs = take n (List.sort xs)
limitSortH n xs = List.unfoldr Heap.uncons (List.foldl' (\ acc x -> Heap.take n (Heap.insert x acc) ) Heap.empty xs) 

main = do
  st <- create
  rxs :: [Int] <- Vec.toList `fmap` uniformVector st (10^7)

  args <- getArgs
  case args of
    ["LIST"] -> print (limitSortL 20 rxs)
    ["HEAP"] -> print (limitSortH 20 rxs)

  return ()



./lazyTest LIST +RTS -s 
   2,059,921,192 bytes allocated in the heap
   2,248,105,704 bytes copied during GC
     552,350,688 bytes maximum residency (5 sample(s))
       3,390,456 bytes maximum slop
            1168 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

  Generation 0:  3772 collections,     0 parallel,  1.44s,  1.48s elapsed
  Generation 1:     5 collections,     0 parallel,  0.90s,  1.13s elapsed

  INIT  time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  MUT   time    0.82s  (  0.84s elapsed)
  GC    time    2.34s  (  2.61s elapsed)
  EXIT  time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time    3.16s  (  3.45s elapsed)

  %GC time      74.1%  (75.7% elapsed)

  Alloc rate    2,522,515,156 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  25.9% of total user, 23.7% of total elapsed


./lazyTest HEAP +RTS -s 
 177,559,536,928 bytes allocated in the heap
     237,093,320 bytes copied during GC
      80,031,376 bytes maximum residency (2 sample(s))
         745,368 bytes maximum slop
              78 MB total memory in use (0 MB lost due to fragmentation)

  Generation 0: 338539 collections,     0 parallel,  1.24s,  1.31s elapsed
  Generation 1:     2 collections,     0 parallel,  0.00s,  0.00s elapsed

  INIT  time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  MUT   time   35.24s  ( 35.46s elapsed)
  GC    time    1.24s  (  1.31s elapsed)
  EXIT  time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
  Total time   36.48s  ( 36.77s elapsed)

  %GC time       3.4%  (3.6% elapsed)

  Alloc rate    5,038,907,812 bytes per MUT second

  Productivity  96.6% of total user, 95.8% of total elapsed




6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

所以,我实际上设法解决了这个问题。想法是抛弃花哨的数据结构并手工工作;-) 基本上我们将输入列表分成块,对它们进行排序,并折叠[[Int]]列表,在每一步选择n个最小元素。 技巧部分是以正确的方式将累加器与已排序的块合并。我们必须使用seq或者懒惰会咬你,结果仍然需要大量的内存来计算。另外,我将合并与take n混合,只是为了进一步优化。以下是整个计划,以及之前的尝试:

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, PackageImports #-}     
module Main where

import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.List.Split as Split
import qualified "heaps" Data.Heap as Heap -- qualified import from "heaps" package

import System.Random.MWC
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as Vec

import System.Environment

limitSortL n xs = take n (List.sort xs)
limitSortH n xs = List.unfoldr Heap.uncons (List.foldl' (\ acc x -> Heap.take n (Heap.insert x acc) ) Heap.empty xs)
takeSortMerge n inp = List.foldl' 
                        (\acc lst -> (merge n acc (List.sort lst))) 
                        [] (Split.splitEvery n inp)
     merge 0 _ _ = []
     merge _ [] xs = xs
     merge _ ys [] = ys
     merge f (x:xs) (y:ys) | x < y = let tail = merge (f-1) xs (y:ys) in tail `seq` (x:tail) 
                           | otherwise = let tail = merge (f-1) (x:xs) ys in tail `seq` (y:tail)

main = do
  st <- create

  let n1 = 10^7
      n2 = 20

  rxs :: [Int] <- Vec.toList `fmap` uniformVector st (n1)

  args <- getArgs

  case args of
    ["LIST"] ->  print (limitSortL n2 rxs)
    ["HEAP"] ->  print (limitSortH n2 rxs)
    ["MERGE"] -> print (takeSortMerge n2 rxs)
    _ -> putStrLn "Nothing..."

  return ()


LIST       3.96s   1168 MB    75 %
HEAP       35.29s    78 MB    3.6 %
MERGE      1.00s     78 MB    3.0 %
just rxs   0.21s     78 MB    0.0 %  -- just evaluating the random vector

答案 1 :(得分:3)

有很多selection algorithms专门做这件事。基于分区的算法是“经典算法”,但就像Quicksort一样,它并不适合Haskell列表。维基百科与函数式编程没有多大关系,尽管我怀疑所描述的“锦标赛选择”与您当前的mergesort解决方案相同或没有太大差别。

如果您担心内存消耗,可以使用优先级队列 - 它总共使用O(K)内存和O(N * logK)时间:

queue := first k elements
for each element in the rest:
    add the element to the queue
    remove the largest element from the queue
convert the queue to a sorted list

答案 2 :(得分:2)

“Quicksort和第k个最小元素”,总是引人入胜的Heinrich Apfelmus: http://apfelmus.nfshost.com/articles/quicksearch.html

答案 3 :(得分:1)


 Vec.toList `fmap` uniformVector st (10^7)




我听说mergesort实现了   Data.List.sort是懒惰的,但它没有   产生的元素多于必要的元素。

在它开始传递列表的第一个元素之前,它没有告诉mergesorts空间消耗。在任何情况下,它都必须遍历(从而实现)整个列表,分配为合并的子列表等。 以下是来自http://www.inf.fh-flensburg.de/lang/algorithmen/sortieren/merge/mergen.htm


mergesort的一个缺点就是它   需要一个额外的Θ(n)空间   临时数组b。


有不同的可能性   实现功能合并。最多   有效的这些是变体b。它   只需要一半的额外费用   空间,它比另一个更快   变种,它是稳定的。

答案 4 :(得分:0)


也许你应该在ST monad中尝试更严格的数据结构或可变数组。


答案 5 :(得分:0)


qsort [] = []
qsort (x:xs) = qcombine (qsort a) b (qsort c) where
    (a,b,c) = qpart x (x:xs) ([],[],[])
qpart _ [] ac = ac
qpart n (x:xs) (a,b,c)
    | x > n = qpart n xs (a,b,x:c)
    | x < n = qpart n xs (x:a,b,c)
    | otherwise = qpart n xs (a,x:b,c)
qcombine (a:as) b c = a:qcombine as b c
qcombine [] (b:bs) c = b:qcombine [] bs c
qcombine [] [] c = c

我使用显式递归来明确发生了什么。这里的每个部分都是真正的懒惰,这意味着qcombine除非需要,否则永远不会调用qsort c。如果您只想要前几个项目,这应该会降低您的内存使用率。



qselect 0 _ = []
qselect n [] = error ("cant produce " ++ show n ++ " from empty list")
qselect n (x:xs)
    | al > n = qselect n a
    | al + bl > n = a ++ take (al - n) b
    | otherwise = a ++ b ++ (qselect (n - al - bl) c) where
        (a,al,b,bl,c,cl) = qpartl x (x:xs) ([],0,[],0,[],0)

qpartl _ [] ac = ac
qpartl n (x:xs) (a,al,b,bl,c,cl)
    | x > n = qpartl n xs (a,al,b,bl,x:c,cl+1)
    | x < n = qpartl n xs (x:a,al+1,b,bl,c,cl+1)
    | otherwise = qpartl n xs (a,al,x:b,bl+1,c,cl)




这两种方法和上面的快速排序都是O(n ^ 2),但你想要的是经常使用大O(k * n)的策略,并且往往不使用大量的空间。
