这些请求全部写入一个同步哈希表$ hash ,该哈希表保存一个正在运行的总计($ hash.counter)并跟踪哪个线程($ hash.thread)正在更新总计和一个。 txt输出文件,以避免潜在的写冲突。
,但是当我尝试将值读入 Add-Content 语句时:
Add-Content C:\Temp\test.txt "$hash.counter|$r|$p|$ThreadID"
System.Collections.Hashtable + SyncHashtable.counter | 123 | MyStreamName | 21252
[int]$t = $hash.counter+0
Add-Content C:\Temp\test.txt "$t|$r|$p|$ThreadID"
14565423 | 123 | MyStreamName | 21252
ForEach($i in $Array){
# Save down the data stream name and create parameter list for passing to the new job
$p = $i.Point.Name
$parameters = @{
hash = $hash
conn = $Conn
p = $p
# Instantiate new powershell runspace and send a script to it
$PowerShell = [powershell]::Create()
$PowerShell.RunspacePool = $RunspacePool
# Receive parameter list, retrieve threadid
Param (
$ThreadID = [appdomain]::GetCurrentThreadId()
# Send data request to the PI Data Archive using the existing connection
$q = Get-something (actual code removed)
[int]$r = $q.Values.Values[0].Value
# Lock out other threads from writing to the hashtable and output file to prevent collisions
# If the thread isn't locked, attempt to lock it. If it is locked, sleep for 1ms and try again. Tracked by synchronised Hashtable.
if($hash.thread -eq 0){
$hash.thread = $ThreadID
# Sleep for 1ms and check that the lock wasn't overwritten by another parallel thread.
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1
}Until($hash.thread -eq $ThreadID)
# Increment the synchronised hash counter. Save the new result to a temporary variable (can't figure out how to get the hash counter itself to output to the file)
[int]$t = $hash.counter+0
# Write to output file new counter total, result, pointName and threadID
Add-Content C:\Temp\test.txt "$t|$r|$p|$ThreadID"
# release lock on the hashtable and output file
$hash.thread = 0
# Add parameter list to instance (matching param() list from the script. Invoke the new instance and save a handle for closing it
$Handle = $PowerShell.BeginInvoke()
# Save down the handle into the $jobs list for closing the instances afterwards
$temp = [PSCustomObject]@{