示例1:在00:00(UTC)[开盘价] = $ 1000
第2步:采用[开盘价]并在[开盘价]下以多于$ 15的多头订单,或在[开盘价]下以$ 15做空的短订单, 先到者 。
示例2:放置 $ 1015 订单的** Long 。或以 985美元的价格做空,以先到者为准。**
第4步:更新止损–如果价格比买入价格高出12美元或比卖空价格低12美元,则将新的止损设在多头下方$ .50,或在空头上方$ .50。
strategy(title = "TEST INDICATOR",overlay = true,calc_on_every_tick=true,default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity,default_qty_value=100,initial_capital=7000)
// Get daily price data
dayOpen = security(tickerid, "D", open[0])
// Compute values
EntryHighCalc = (dayOpen + 15) / dayOpen
EntryLowCalc = (dayOpen - 15) / dayOpen
EntryHLong = (dayOpen * EntryHighCalc)
EntryLShort = (dayOpen * EntryLowCalc)
// Plot values
plot(series=dayOpen, style=cross, linewidth=2, color=orange)
plot(series=EntryHLong, style=circles, linewidth=3, color=green)
plot(series=EntryLShort, style=circles, linewidth=3, color=red)
// Determine order conditions
priceTouched = (EntryHLong) or (EntryLShort)
timeFilter = (year > 2019) and (month > 12)
enterLong = priceTouched and timeFilter
enterShort = priceTouched and timeFilter
// Everything above this line, works as intended...I think. It creates a range of $15 above and below the Day candle OPEN price. However
// However timeFiler doesnt seem to work, but it doesnt hurt the code currently. Just trying to define a range.
// Below I am trying to set a stop loss at +/-30 after the entry, and then scale +/-.5 in each direction after the price moves another $13.
// Submit orders - Long
//strategy.entry("EntryL", long=true, when=enterLong)
//strategy.exit("LongExit1", "EntryL", loss = (EntryHLong - 30))
// What do I define here to make the stop loss work?
//if XXXXXX == (EntryHLong + 13)
//strategy.exit("LongExit2", "LongExit1", stop = (EntryHLong + 13 - 0.5))
// Submit order - Short
//strategy.entry("EntryS", long=false, when=enterShort)
//strategy.exit("ShortExit1", "EntryS", loss = (EntryLShort + 30))
// What do I define here to make the stop loss work?
//if YYYYYY == (EntryLShort - 13)
//strategy.exit("ShortExit2", "ShortExit1", stop = (EntryLShort -13 + 0.5))