private void cBxMake_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string make;
string miles;
string usage;
string kept;
make = cBxMake.Text;
miles = cBxMiles.SelectedItem.ToString();
usage = cBxUsage.SelectedItem.ToString();
kept = cBxKept.SelectedItem.ToString();
// creating a DriverDetails object and sending it the data just used
VehicleDetails vehicleDets = new VehicleDetails(make, miles, usage, kept);
// add the object to the List
string date = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); //get today's date
string filePath = "Policy_Discuss_With_Customer" + date + ".csv"; //create a name of the new csv file (including the date)
string delimiter = ","; //comma needed to create new csv file
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (VehicleDetails vehicleDetails in vehicleDet) //go through the List called DriverDetails and examine each object in turn
sb.AppendLine(vehicleDets.Make + delimiter + vehicleDets.Miles + delimiter + vehicleDets.Usage + delimiter + vehicleDets.Kept);//uild up a String containing all the data in the List
//File.WriteAllText(filePath, sb.ToString());
File.AppendAllText(filePath, sb.ToString()); //add the new string (made up of multiple lines, each representing data from ONE order) to the end of the csv file
MessageBox.Show("Vehicle details saved to file, no premium calculated. Details will be discussed.", "Info", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
var popUp = new addDriverConstraints();
if (cBxMake.SelectedItem !(cBxMake.Items))