因此,目前我正试图创建一个自定义的gradle项目。 我要创建一个jar(这是一个kotlin项目),然后获取对该jar以及该jar的所有依赖项的引用。
@Mojo(name = "custom-plugin", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PROCESS_RESOURCES, requiresDependencyCollection = ResolutionScope.COMPILE_PLUS_RUNTIME, requiresDependencyResolution = ResolutionScope.COMPILE_PLUS_RUNTIME)
class CustomMavenMojo : AbstractMojo() {
@Parameter(defaultValue = "\${project}", readonly = true, required = true)
private val mavenProject: MavenProject? = null
@Throws(MojoExecutionException::class, MojoFailureException::class)
override fun execute() {
val targetFolder = File(mavenProject.model.build.directory) // the build folder
val jarFile = mavenProject.artifact.file // This is the build jar file
val dependencies = mavenProject.artifacts // The jar's dependencies
据我所知,在gradle中,我将不得不对此有所不同。 我想我必须调用jar插件/任务来创建jar,多数民众赞成在它开始变得有点模糊的地方。我看到一个可以调用插件,但是哪个是正确的插件,然后我将如何访问创建的jar?另外,我很想了解依赖项。
class CustomGradlePlugin : Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
project.task("custom-jar-task") {
project.plugins.apply('???') // which plugin do i call here to create the .jar file?
val createdJar = ... // and how do i get the created jar file?
project.configurations.forEach { configuration ->
configuration.dependencies.forEach { dependency ->
val dependencyJarFile = ... // how would i get the depencenies jar file here?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这里有些事情要注意。第一个可能会在自定义插件中应用java-plugin或org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm插件,我想它们会影响创建的jar吗?另外,我不太确定jar任务的配置将如何影响这一点,但是我想它们只是在之前应用过的,无论如何也要获取完成的jar。 同样很明显,这将针对jar任务创建的jar,针对其他jar(自定义fatJar或类似的东西),则必须相应地更改任务。
class CustomGradlePlugin : Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
project.task("custom-jar-task") {
// First depend on jar task to make sure the .jar file is build
it.doLast {
// Get the jar task
val jarTask = project.tasks.getByName("jar") as Jar
// Get the .jar file through the jar task
val jarFile = jarTask.archiveFile.orNull
println("Build Jar: ${jarFile?.asFile?.name}")
println("Runtime dependencies:")
// Get the runtime configuration resolve it and iterate over all dependencies.
project.configurations.getByName("runtime").resolve().forEach {
println("-- ${it.name}")