我有序言深度优先搜索功能,但我需要将其转换为A *搜索迷宫寻路。我该怎么办?
move( p( _, _ ), up ).
move( p( _, _ ), down ).
move( p( _, _ ), left ).
move( p( _, _ ), right ).
% UP
update( p(X, Y), up, p(X_new, Y) ) :-
X_new is X - 1.
update( p(X,Y), down, p(X_new, Y) ) :-
X_new is X + 1.
update( p(X,Y), left, p(X, Y_new) ) :-
Y_new is Y - 1.
update( p(X,Y), right, p(X, Y_new) ) :-
Y_new is Y + 1.
/* Implementation of the predicate that checks whether a state is legal */
/* according to the constraints imposed by the problem's statement. */
* The location cannot be out of the maze, so we define lower limits for both
* coordinates
* Also we have to check whether the (X,Y) coordinates represents a
* wall or an empty space. We only can do the move if the cell is empty.
* As we just assert the wall cells, we use the negation as failure.
legal( p(X,Y) ) :-
X >= 0,
Y >= 0,
\+ c(X,Y,wall).
/* A reusable depth-first problem solving framework. */
solve_dfs(Problem, State, _, []) :-
final_state(Problem, State).
solve_dfs(Problem, State, History, [Move|Moves]) :-
move(State, Move),
update(State, Move, NewState),
\+ member(NewState, History),
solve_dfs(Problem, NewState, [NewState|History], Moves).
所以上面的resolve_dfs需要使用A *算法而不是DFS,您知道如何实现吗?