该程序从文本文件“ penguins.txt”中读取行,并将数据复制到“ FeedingOutput.dat”中。在其他PC上运行正常,但是在笔记本电脑上运行时出现以下错误:
Using Uninitialized Memory 'zFeeding'
Using Uninitialized Memory 'zPercent'
Using Uninitialized Memory 'dFeeding'
Using Uninitialized Memory 'dPercent'
Using Uninitialized Memory 'wFeeding'
Using Uninitialized Memory 'wPercent'
文本文件“ penguins.txt”如下所示:
Zany A 5 4
Den B 4 8
Windi C 5 2.1
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
double zFeeding; //Declaring variables
double dFeeding;
double wFeeding;
double zPercent;
double dPercent;
double wPercent;
double zFeedingNew;
double dFeedingNew;
double wFeedingNew;
char filename[50];
string zName, dName, wName, zID, dID, wID;
ifstream penguinInfo; //Allows input and output for the two different files
ofstream dataOutput;
cout << "Enter filename containing penguins information" << endl; //Asking for user to input file name, then opening that file
cin.getline(filename, 50);
dataOutput << showpoint << fixed << setprecision(2); ////formating the output
//this will set the information from penguins.txt to actual variables.
penguinInfo >> zName, zID, zFeeding, zPercent, dName, dID, dFeeding, dPercent, wName, wID, wFeeding, wPercent;
zFeedingNew = zFeeding + (zFeeding * (zPercent / 100)); //equations for new feeding amounts
dFeedingNew = dFeeding + (dFeeding * (dPercent / 100));
wFeedingNew = wFeeding + (wFeeding * (wPercent / 100));
dataOutput << zName << " " << zID << " " << zFeedingNew << " lbs." << endl; //Outputs data to FeedingOutput.dat for Zany
dataOutput << dName << " " << dID << " " << dFeedingNew << " lbs." << endl; //Outputs data to FeedingOutput.dat for Den
dataOutput << wName << " " << wID << " " << wFeedingNew << " lbs." << endl; //Outputs data to FeedingOutput.dat for Windi
penguinInfo.close(); //close files and requires approval to close the program
return 0;
我相信这可能是范围问题,但是我对c ++还是很陌生,所以我不确定什么地方出错了。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
penguinInfo >> zName, zID, zFeeding, zPercent, dName, dID, dFeeding, dPercent, wName, wID, wFeeding, wPercent;
根据operator precedence,operator >>
(penguinInfo >> zName), zID, zFeeding, zPercent, dName, dID, dFeeding, dPercent, wName, wID, wFeeding, wPercent;
被设置为penguinInfo >> zName
penguinInfo >> zName >> zID >> zFeeding >> zPercent >> dName >> dID >> dFeeding >> dPercent >> wName >> wID >> wFeeding >> wPercent;
答案 1 :(得分:1)
问题是comma operator并没有按照您的想象做。它只是丢弃左侧和右侧,然后继续右侧:
在逗号表达式E1,E2中,对表达式E1进行求值,将其结果丢弃(尽管如果具有类类型,则直到包含完整表达式的末尾才会销毁它),并且其副作用是在表达式E2的求值开始之前完成(请注意,用户定义的运算符,不能保证排序)(直到C ++ 17)。
penguinInfo >> zName >> zID >> zFeeding >> zPercent >> dName >> dID >> dFeeding >> dPercent >> wName >> wID >> wFeeding >> wPercent;